Saturday, May 17, 2014

May Adventures

So I am pretty obsessed with going to Kensington Metropark it seems. After I wrote my last post, we went for a hike as a family there. We didn't see anything spectacular but the weather was gorgeous and nothing beats quality time together in the outdoors:

Mother's Day was pretty perfect. Tyler did a great job of spoiling me. He made me strawberry crepes for breakfast, chocolate covered strawberries for a treat, bought me a new laptop (because my other one had become virus infected & unfixable), and he made me a club sandwich for dinner (because I was craving it). The boys picked out 2 new pairs of sunglasses for me and Steven made a sweet "about mom book" for me at school (in which he colored my skin with a brown crayon and declared that I like Walmart, mac n cheese and watching Funniest Home Videos).

This week Steven has become obsessed with planting things. He wanted to go out and buy flower seeds and I explained to him it takes a long time for the flower to grow. He told me, "That's ok, I can wait like an hour." 

Steven also wants to plant an apple seed so we can have an apple tree (that only take like an hour to grow too, right?) But Benny doesn't like that idea. And I quote, "I don't want an apple tree because than I would have to shake it to get the apples out and I can't reach that high." That kid, I think we can help him out with that one ;)

The Sister Missionaries came over for dinner this week and apparently Lucy did not approve. She literally would not even look at them and cried the ENTIRE time! Poor Sisters felt so unloved :( Yet Lucy is doing great in nursery so far, apparently no tears and she even smiles some for her teachers.

And since I begun with the place I am obsessed with, we shall end with it too. Yesterday I took another hike there we with Ben & Lucy. We met this old man who was feeding the birds and he gave us some of his bird seed (which was actually just peanuts...) but it worked! I got a little bird to eat out of my hands, and got some to get pretty close. We even fed the chipmunks much to Ben's delight, he was so excited about how fat their cheeks got! We also saw some cranes that were, as Ben says, "flapping their wings on each other" (mating it seemed).

Pretty red cardinal in the tree:

And afterwards we dropped by the farm that's within the Metropark and saw some adorable piglets:

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