Saturday, May 31, 2014

Farewell Poppy, Hello Summer

We were less adventurous the last few days of Poppy's stay. We hope we didn't bore him or drive him bonkers with our crazy kids. We sure were glad to have him! 

Monday was Memorial Day so we walked down to Main Street and watched the parade go by. It was not too exciting but the boys still seemed to enjoy it, despite the fact that there was no candy. At least there were some army cars, some jeeps and some planes that flew over head...

After the parade the boys attempted to go for a paddle boat ride on the lake but were dissuaded by the crazy crowds. So...instead we went to Target (so Poppy could dote upon the grandkids)and then we went to McDonald's (so Poppy could further dote upon the grandkids). Afterwards Tyler and I were able to go out to a movie. We saw "Godzilla." It wasn't awful but nothing spectacular either. It was just good to get out without the kids- so good! Plus the lady who sold us our tickets gave us a student discount out of niceness, or maybe we just look that young ;).

Tuesday we went for another hike per Poppy's request:

After the hike we went down to Main Street so Poppy could find some genuine Milford, Michigan gifts. While Poppy was purchasing something me and the kids wondered outside and I caught this moment of my two cuties:

That night we had our final dinner together at Big Boys. Poppy was disappointed that his burger didn't taste like it did 40 years ago. I thought the food was delicious though. And for once, the kids behaved spectacularly. It was a good final hurrah.

Wednesday, we spent a thrilling morning together at the local library and then it was time to send Poppy off. The weather was horrible, huge downpour. It made it really hard to see in front of me, let alone read the signs and get on the right exits. It was no fun but somehow we made it to the airport with time to spare. It was hard to say goodbye to Poppy, my little piece of home. Only a few more months until baby time though and then him AND Grams will be here! C-section is scheduled for August 20th!

Also this week, besides that one downpour, the weather has felt great. We've been in the 70's and it's been great. I want the 70's to last forever! We've had the added bonus of all the trees in our yard and neighbor's yard officially being green. And they all converge right over our yard making for a beautiful shady place. I'm in love with being outside right now:

There are at least 3 squirrels that live in that tree, and they can frequently be found hanging out in our yard:

Steven to the Roly Poly: "He loves me because I found him. I'm going to keep him forever!" And he has- that Roly Poly is still hanging out in a container of dirt and leaves in our yard:

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