Sunday, May 25, 2014

Poppy Thus Far!

Poppy arrived in Michigan this past Wednesday!! I was scared about driving to the airport and being able to find it AND him but thankfully it all went without a hitch. Since picking him up we have been trying to show off the beauty and wonders that Metropolitan Detroit has to offer. 

I kept Steven home from school Thursday and Friday so he could spend time with his Poppy. Thursday we took him to the Detroit Zoo. On our way there we encountered some of the worst traffic I've seen but somehow we survived the drive...only to arrive at a zoo that was SWAMPED with kids on Field Trips. It was CrAzY packed but we still managed to push through crowds and have some fun. 

On Friday we took him on a hike in our favorite place, Kensington Metropark. The weather was pretty perfect and even though I didn't have any bird feed, Steven still managed to get a bird to eat some cereal out of his hand. Of course I didn't get a picture because I really didn't think a bird would go for Golden Grahams but I did take these gems:

On Saturday we went to Greenfield Village. Coolest place EVER! I was opposed to going at first because it was super pricey but it was totally worth the cost, so much so that Tyler upgraded to a membership so we can come back. This place is everything it claims: it "is like stepping into an 80 acre time machine." 

One of the first homes we went into had women in era appropriate dress cooking a meal with era appropriate kitchen tools. Then we went on to see rye being mowed by a horse drawn mower of sorts. And of course there were sheep and chickens nearby. Here's Lucy helping out at the farm:

After that came some cool mills and machinery and a variety of craft shops: blankets being woven, socks being sewed, glass ornaments being created, newspaper being pressed, tin being shaped...So much fun! The kids (and me) were especially in awe of the glass ornaments:

After that we walked by the civilian war camps and saw soldiers marching through the streets:

By that time, it was food time and then nearby was a super fun playground. It had a machine that sprayed water, slides, a bouncy swing, a rock wall to climb, a tunnel and a fun truck to "drive":

We didn't last too much longer after the playground. We were just able to make it to the Railroad Station where we saw a genuine turn table for trains and we saw Edison's Power Plant and an old school house. But in the end we only saw about half of the Village (if that!).Hence the reason we upgraded our tickets, Tyler LOVES seeing how things are made and all the old machinery so we will definitely be returning to see the rest of it's awesomeness.

As we left, my van decided to not turn on. We thought it might be the battery but after a nice person attempted to give us a jump start, we realized that was not the problem. So Tyler got on the phone with AAA, and I prayed for a miracle because it had gotten warm and we were all exhausted and the idea of waiting for AAA sounded horrible. And a miracle happened! I felt prompted to try and start the car again and it worked! Just like that!

Anyways, apparently it is having "connection" issues and Tyler isn't sure how to fix it. And it decided to have connection issues when we went to leave church today but then after waiting some time and trying, again miracles. I'm not sure we have a limitless supply of miracles so hopefully we can fix it soon. 

We still get to have our Poppy here until Wednesday, so we have a few more days for adventure, if our mode of transportation permits. It has been nice having him here, the boys do love playing and wrestling with Poppy- he is WAY more fun then me ;)

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