I think spring has finally arrived here in Michigan!

I was super excited for the flower above blossom...and then the boys trampled it... But there are other blossoms starting to appear and with a whole week of temperatures above 50 and rain coming down-- I know it won't be long before the beautiful colors of Michigan start to show their face.
And for some reason better temperatures equal mice (shouldn't they want to be outside in this beautiful weather?). We put some poison out where the mouse had struck before and it ate some and went off to die in some unknown location. Or so we hoped. Because later this week we found the above Fiber Bar so gracefully attacked in our pantry. SO either it is a super mouse that can survive poison or he has many friends. Neither option is appealing. I feel so violated. So more poison traps have been bought and are being laid.
This week I got brave and took the kids to the zoo again, on my own. But with Steven in school and no friends to keep up with, it went SO much better. We did our own thing and I had some good quality time with Ben & Lucy. Ben loved the frog exhibit so much that he made us go to it twice. Why did he love it so much you ask? Because he was able to find all the camouflaged frogs that his mommy couldn't find. It was cute how proud he was of himself. I didn't take any pictures, but here's a cute picture of Ben reading outside on our deck:
Also this week after taking a 35 minute drive to one of my favorite places, Hobby Lobby, I decided shopping with kids here is impossible. By the time we get to a place Lucy is all cranky from having to sit and is then completely uncooperative in the store- not to mention a complete screamer the whole drive home- it's no good. I think online shopping will become my new friend.
And speaking of Lucy, she is so strong willed. This girl wants what she wants and tantrums will be thrown when she doesn't get what she wants. Lately she wants pretty much anything Benny has, she wants to constantly eat snacks from the cupboards and she wants to be left in the van when we get home so that she can destroy it. We've also decided she should be on a Snicker's commercial because she is "not herself when she's hungry." She is handful but she is saved by her adorableness. She is starting to copy more words and saying "hi" and "bye" with way more frequency. My favorite things she says is, "thank you." She basically just imitates in the intonations of the phrase but it's cute. Also, when ever I sing "Do you wanna build a snowman" (from Frozen) she likes to imitate the melody, it's adorableness. I do love this girl!
Lastly, Steven got a cavity filled this week (he's got my teeth genes). And they go about things interestingly at his new dentist's office. There are many untruths told. They tell him they are going to give his tooth sleepy juice and ask him to close his eyes so it doesn't splash on him...I don't know how I feel about this deceitfulness but I do know that it seemed to work. He didn't love the feeling of a sleepy tooth but he did really good. No freak outs or crying. Proud of my growing boy!
And we shall end with a pic of Tyler in his man cave (the second level in our garage). Now that the weather is better, he has been spending lots of time up there "building stuff". He is currently making a garage door opener since we only have one which stinks when you have an unconnected garage.
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