Saturday, May 10, 2014

Misc Tidbits

This week I went on another little hike with Benjamin and Lucy at Kensington Metropark. We saw lots of chipmunks scurrying about, pretty robins and a couple turtles in the pond. But the best part, we actually made it through the hike with no whining about tiredness. So fun!

Ben kept climbing on things and saying, "Take my picture!"

Lucy loves giving me her "Cheee!" face for pictures:

And these pictures show how well Benny and Lucy are getting along as of late, Lucy is very territorial:

Lucy was given tiger whiskers by Steven this week, the boys can't seem to stop drawing on faces:

This week I was driving Steven home from school when I said, "Oh shoot! I'm speeding again! I need to be more careful!" Steven got really worried and said, "You're not going to call the police and tell them you're speeding, are you!?" Ha! I'm not crazy!

Here is baby Penny at 25 weeks:

And look at these tulips that have spontaneously started growing in our yard:

 The weather here is definitely improving. Lots of rain to help things grow and much warmer temperatures. We even hit the 80's on Thursday. I took the kids to a very small Farmers Market down the street that day and got sweaty- SWEATY! We finally turned the heater off and switched out our fleece sheets for cotton ones. Life is good :)


  1. tulips!! and when did lucy turn into a little girl??

  2. I keep forgetting you're pregnant. You need to move back so I notice things.
