We get to spend 3 days in the hospital so we are still here giving me plenty of time to blog and plenty of time to have visitors.
My mom and Tyler's mom were the first to come. They weren't allowed into the recovery room but as soon as we were placed in the post-postpartum room, they came. Here is Tyler's mom with her very first grand daughter:
Later Mike and Rebecca came with baby Oliver. We got a cute Minnie & Mickey picture of them both:

And then even later Tyler's dad and Jezerea brought Steven & Ben and it was fun to see their reactions. Steven, I think, was more worried about me (my IV freaked him out) and more interested in my food (and it was only chicken broth!) than Lucy. At one point I asked him if he wanted to go look at Lucy and he said, " I already saw her!" Oh dear. But he did pose well for his picture:
Ben got very quiet but was all smiles with Lucy. He gave her some good kisses and lots of love:
The next day, Friday, my mom & dad came while Tyler was in class. It was nice to have them there to help since I was still having troubles getting around. Then around lunch time, Rebekka Garner came to visit as well. I failed to get pictures of my dad & Lucy and Rebekka & Lucy. I'm so fired!
That evening, Mariah came with the Steven & Ben. Also Keshia & Scott came. Steven was once again more intrigued with the food (daddy had french fries & ketchup). And Benny was a little less shy and seemed very happy to be with his daddy.
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