Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Friday

I'm posting things a little out of order but let's just blame that on lack of sleep.... 

On the Friday after Thanksgiving, affectionately called Black Friday by some, me & Lucy left the house at 6am to do some shopping. The stores are getting crazier this year and most of them opened on Thanksgiving day for all their crazy sales but I just wasn't up for spending my Thanksgiving day shopping. Thanksgiving is supposed to be my lazy day. Plus I didn't want any electronics or any of the other major door busters so I thought 6am would be the perfect timing to get the things I wanted and avoid crowds. It was!! I got all the deals I wanted and Lucy & I barely spent anytime waiting in live. It was great fun! I am now just about done with my holiday shopping- wahoo!

After my shopping, I picked up Steven & Ben and we met up with my brother Mike & his family at the Riparian Preserve. I thought it would be a fun outing but neither of my boys had napped the previous 2 days and they were very cranky & emotional. It wasn't exactly fun for anyone involved :( But both my boys did take amazing naps afterwards....

This is the duck my children have affectionately named the Poppy duck- I think it has to do with it's crazy "hair"

My boys in a rare calm moment...

 Mike's golden child, Oliver

And this picture pretty much defines the afternoon...

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