Monday, November 12, 2012

1 Week & 4 Days Down

I survived my first week as a mother of 3! Mostly I survived because of great friends and family who fed us and helped out with my boys. I think week 2 might be a little trickier now that I'll actually have to cook again and take care of my boys on my own but I can do this right!?

Lucy Lou has slept away most of her first week. Her nursing was irregular at first- some days & nights she would snack every hour or two, other days she would have full nursing sessions (10 minutes each side) every 3 hours and then some days & nights were a mixture of both. I hated it when she snack fed but she was impossible to wake and she was gaining weight regularly (she was 7 lbs 12 oz when we left the hospital and weighed 8 lbs 6 oz at her doctor's appointment) so I let it be. Thankfully she hasn't snack fed for the past few days and has been doing nice full sessions every 2-3 hours- typically every 3 hours.

Our biggest problem now is that she has her nights and days mixed up. She sleeps most of the day and then wakes up around what should be my bedtime and is impossible to get to sleep. Today I have been trying to get her on the Baby Wise schedule- eat, wake, sleep- but it is SO hard when I have 2 other boys who take my attention away from her when I am trying to wake her up or try to wake her up when she should be sleeping. I am hoping that I can get it down anyhow and that will help her sleep through the night again. Fingers crossed!

When Lucy is awake she tends to be fussy (part of the reason I had been letting her sleep most of the day). She does take a pacifier which helps to soothe her, she likes to be rocked and swaddled and snuggles with Tyler & me help too.

Lucy Lou has some crazy explosive bowel movements so instead of the worries we had with the boys of getting peed on, now we have to worry about getting pooped on. Yes, I have been pooped on and her poop has shot across the room and landed on our bed twice now. I am sure she will be happy when I share this fact with her future boyfriends :)

As challenging as babies are and as sleep deprived as they make me I do love my sweet little girl and am super happy being a mother of 3 silly children!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the explosive poops, how they stain everything!
