Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

On Thursday morning we drove up to Flagstaff to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Hatch family. For some reason we were off with all of Tyler's siblings. Besides Jezerea, we were the only ones to go to Flagstaff with his parents. However, his Aunt Cricket & Uncle Doug & his Aunt Jacque & most of his cousin's and their families were there. And it ended up being a nice, laid back Thanksgiving with no craziness and no drama- I absolutely loved it!

Steven had a blast with Tyler's cousin's son, Wyatt. On his Uncle Doug's side things are completely opposite of us. Wyatt is their only grandson (they have 5 granddaughters) and Wyatt had so much fun finally having another boy to play with. They played the whole time without fighting- it was great!

Lucy had fun getting held by everyone and getting to meet some other baby girls. Here she is with Tyler's cousin Sammy. 

Ben had fun hanging out Tyler's cousin's daughter, ShaeLee. ShaeLee did beat up on him some but most of they time they were pretty cute. Here they are hiding out under the pool table.

Steven and Wyatt spent a lot of time at the pool table watching everyone play. They even got to play a bit themselves. And- shock of all shockers- I played too! I actually had fun and with some help from Uncle Doug I was able to get a few balls in and me and AshLee won!

I don't have any pictures of dinner itself but it was yummy. After we finished eating we all shared things we were thankful for and as typical of Tyler's family, there was both laughing and crying involved in all the sharing. It was good stuff :)

When it came time to go, the boys were exhausted. They both crashed at one point on the drive home. I especially loved how Ben fell asleep wearing his cute hat. Lucy slept for the first half of the trip but was pretty fussy for the second half. She is not much for driving anymore. All and all though. it was an excellent Thanksgiving. 

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