Friday, July 27, 2012


My sister-in-law, Rebecca, at 38 weeks and me at 26 weeks. She looks great! Me...I'm almost her size and I am 12 weeks behind her. Lousy :( 

This pregnancy in general has been lousy. Yes, I only threw up once which was a pro but the nausea has yet to leave me alone for good. And now I've been getting migraines- spots, light sensitivity, sickness, intense pain- the whole shebang! These are something that I usually get a handful of times in a whole year. I've already had a handful of them within the last few weeks. And when I'm not getting migraines, I'm getting run of the mill head aches. The Dr. believes all this head pain is originating from my poor achy back and that a massage would do the trick. If only I had the fundage for frequent massages!

Anyways, this has been a tough pregnancy and maybe that's the price of having a girl. It will be worth it to have my little princess but I will be super happy when the day that I get her is here and I am done with this pregnancy. Super happy! And until then I will try to be a good mommy to my boys and I will try to be a good tutor and I will just try to be more positive! 

And hopefully by the time it's my little girl's birthday, I will have a name figured out too so please no more asking. I just don't feel completely sold with any name at this point but don't worry, she will have a name and it will be a cute one :)

And a couple pictures of my cute boys at Grandma & Grandpa Brady's house...

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing what we go thru to have our children. My pregnancy's were completely sickly! So I feel for you cuz! Somehow thou we always make it thru. I wonder if the men in our lives can ever really comprehend how hard it is. Prayers for you! Those were the hardest years of my life! I tell everyone .. and this is so true for me: I'd rather go thru another labor then 9 months of pure torture!
