Friday, July 20, 2012

"New" Toys

Steven & Ben were in need of something new to play with so we went where any cheapskate mom goes to, we went to Goodwill! And Goodwill did not let us down! For $5 we got a Lite-Brite & an excellent tank. Both have provided hours of entertainment for my boys this week and were SO worth all that hard earned money I spent on them ;)

I have to say the Lite-Brite is not only entertaining but educational. Steven has to put the right color pegs on the right alphabet letter and he's doing great! And then after he makes the cool picture we get to go into the messy laundry room, turn of the lights and check it out!

Ben and Steven like to play with their "new" army truck and their old, garbage truck (because that combo makes more sense than say....their old, hummer with the army truck, right?). And they love to have rubber duckies drive the truck and even Spiderman gets involved. When they're not fighting, it's pretty fun to watch.

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