Monday, July 9, 2012

The 4th of July

This fourth of July we spent some of the day running errands for our impending camping trip & some of the day just lazing around but at the end of the day we got to do some celebrating. My parent's were out of town so we decided to have a party at their house- we're such teenagers :) 

We invited Tyler's family over for a bring your own food and then watch fireworks party. We had a nice time hanging out with his family, eating chili cheese dogs and eating 4th of July themed desert that his sister had brought. Then Mike & Rebecca came with her brother and family to join us in watching fireworks at the park by my parent's house. It was a spectacular time & a perfect fourth of July.


  1. Who is this Rebekka you speak of?

  2. I was not offended, for the record. Your Rebekka friend is getting married and so she is forefront on your mind. Plus you're pregnant! Anything goes when you have pregnancy brain :)

    I AM offended that the only comment Mike leaves on your blog in ages is one to harass you... :P
