Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Longest Friend is Married!

This Saturday Rebekka got married! We have been friends since high school and I love this girl to death. I was so happy for her and so grateful to get to be a part of her special day. I was lucky enough to be a bridesmaid and I had fun with all that entitled. 

The night before her wedding I went out with her and her sisters to Someburros for a girl's night out. Of course my clumsy self started out the night by spilling a cup of water all over the table as I set down my tray. It was a very smooth move but everyone was very nice and didn't mock me and I had a fun the rest of the time. It was nice to get away from the boys and just hang out with the girls. I need to do that more often. 

Saturday morning Rebekka and Danny got sealed at the Mesa Temple. Unfortunately I have been having some major migraine problems this last week and all I can take is Extra Strength Tylenol which is SO not effective so the bright chandelier, which I normally find beautiful, was killer. I felt pretty funky through out the ceremony but  Heavenly Father kept me stable and I was still able to focus on the sealing. The sealer gave some great advice, one in the form of a humorous story about how he took his wife to Disneyland because she said she wanted to be 6 again but what she had actually meant is that she wanted to be a size 6 again. His point was to listen carefully to what your wife says because after 50 years, he still doesn't always understand her.

After the sealing I got to socialize with her friends and family while we waited for the bride and groom to get ready. I finally met an old mission companion of Rebekka's, Perla, who she speaks of often. Sweet girl and I enjoyed talking with her throughout the day.

Unfortunately I wasn't close enough to get a great shot of Rebekka when they came out but you can see my sister-in-law, Tara, was close enough. It was fun having her do all their pictures. I got to give her a hard time and now I'm going to try to bribe her to photo shop out my sweaty face. It was humid but thankfully the clouds kept the bright sun away which was great for my migraine and did help us sweat just a little less. 

After the sealing and pictures I headed home (Tyler had already left to pick up the boys, there was no way he was sticking around for pictures he didn't have to be in). We hung out at home for a bit and then it was off to the luncheon for chicken salad sandwiches, yummy! We got to eat at the table with Perla and a couple more old mission companions and then (they were a little late) Rebekka and Danny joined us. Steven and Ben got to eat at the kid table and they had fun hanging out with all of Rebekka and Danny's nieces and nephews.

Then it was home again until the reception. We got there a little early to help set up and then we ate food, socialized, danced, and decorated their getaway vehicle. I didn't get to see Rebekka much then but that's to be expected. It was an excellent day and I am so excited to have a new couple to hang out with!

Steven got a bit fresh with one of Rebekka's nieces- he kissed her twice! This boy is trouble!

After decorating Danny's truck with balloons, Steven insisted on hanging on to this one. He also insisted that he needed a picture of it so here ya go:


  1. She looks beautiful! It's been 2 years since we've been to a wedding! Either Loren's brother or my sister better get married soon

  2. yay for rebekka! oh my word - i had no idea steven was such a ladies man!? when did that happen? that's a super cute picture of ben...
