Sunday, July 1, 2012

The End of June

Do you ever feel like this?:

To be honest, I didn't feel like that very much this month. June has been SO nice and I am sad to see it go. Tutoring just 2 mornings a week was the perfect fit for me. It gave me a nice break from mommyhood while still giving me plenty of time to get mommy things done with time to spare. I spent many afternoons napping, rotting my brain on the scandalous show "Grey's Anatomy" (cursed Instant Netflix getting me addicted to it), painting, & reading. I'm going to miss June because July is looking like it will bring on a more busy tutoring schedule which is good as far as money goes...and bad as far as my desire to be lazy goes.

Below is the result of my nice afternoons. This will go in my baby girl's room once I finish touching it up. I got this great pink frame for it which has a crack in that I hadn't noticed so I also have to exchange that before it can hang up. 

And while we're on the topic of my baby girl, my mom, who is the ever doting grandma, also got this adorable mirror for her room: 

I'm also wanting to paint a tree on the wall in her room but am a little chicken. You can't just throw that away if it turns out badly. I may just end up getting a wall decal when I get some extra money but we'll see. And still on the subject of baby, here is a shot of my tummy at 23 weeks. I feel huge but people are being nice & saying I barely look pregnant. Probably because I wear shirts that hide it well when I'm out in public...

And on a new note. This week I did a lot of babysitting. I had my sister-in-law Tara's kids for a bit while they were in Utah and Steven was super happy about getting to have a sleepover with Bryson. I also had my friend Karen's kids for 1 afternoon & an evening. This made Ben happy because he got to hang out with his friend Jaylee. He even gave her a few hugs and a kiss on the cheek. I sadly was unable to document any of those. But I did document the crew watching Tyler play video games. So entertaining ;)

1 comment:

  1. yay you're painting again!! that is super cute. and i love the mirror!
