Saturday, August 4, 2012

28 Weeks

This isn't this best picture but here's my baby bump at 28 weeks. I was complaining to a friend that I was feeling fat and she replied that it's only fair that I feel fat at some point in my life. That of course made me giggle & then realize how right she was. I am very lucky that pregnancy is the only time that I am ever really "fat." Very lucky considering my constant sugar diet. Pregnancy only heightens my need for sugar. Right now I'm craving a banana split, Crispy M&M's, & Runts. Interesting combination right!?

I'm scared to say this because anytime I would say it to someone, the next moment I would be suffering from a migraine again but here it goes, my head has been feeling MUCH better this week. Even so, my sweet hubby has scheduled a massage for my birthday and I can't wait! This will be my first ever official massage and since my lower back is still achy, I am super excited!

Also, the school year starts up officially this week and I am beginning the year tutoring 5 clients and I have 2 more that will start up at the end of this month. And so far, I have the sweetest, most well behaved clients. It's going to be a great year! All I need are 3 more clients and then I can stop subbing. Cross your fingers for me!

And here are the most adorable pictures of my littler superheroes. They have been driving me batty this week but it's moments like this that make it all worthwhile: 

1 comment:

  1. I am crossing my fingers for you!! Hope you get to tutor more sweet children and that your head aches stop! -I love massages! Hope you find you do too!
