Monday, July 9, 2012

Hatch Camp Out

It took us forever to get ready to leave for the Hatch Camp Out up in Hutch Mountain but by 2pm Thursday we were finally ready. I was frustrated with Tyler and all his last minute preparations but I have to say that was really the only bad part of my camping experience. After that everything was fantastic and it was one of the best camp outs thus far. The boys were in heaven surrounded by dirt, sticks, trucks and lots of little friends to play with and for once being a mommy was one of the easiest jobs ever. 

About 2 minutes after arriving at the camp site Ben fell head first into the dirt & basically stayed that dirty for the rest of our 4 day trip.

Tyler holding his cousin's baby girl, Breckyn. There were 2 other girl babies at the camp out and Tyler got told numerous times, "You're going to have one of those soon!"

The boys seemed to have the most fun playing in the most dustiest dirt pit ever!

Tyler had fun playing ping pong & horse shoes, throwing knives into trees & shooting his potato gun.

And even I shot his potato gun! Tyler was so proud of how much I participated this year. I threw knives, and played water balloon volleyball (and for once made some points) and even played "signs" with everyone. Usually I opt of all games because the Hatch's competitiveness scares me- not this year! This year I was the brave pregnant lady :)

On Saturday we celebrated Tyler's 29th birthday. I "made" him the best Twinkie Cake EVER! 

Tyler's favorite gift was the Nerf Gun that I got him. He, of course, had to to chase after all the kids with it and, of course, hit one of the kids. Oh my child.

Sunday was clean up day, my least favorite day, but it went quickly & smoothly which was nice. We sadly didn't do our normal Sunday Service due to some family drama but that mostly resolved itself. Despite that drama like I said, best camp out thus far. It was tough to say goodbye to Tyler's extended family, to the beautiful weather (for once we didn't get rained on) and to easy motherhood. But I was grateful to come home to a much needed shower.

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