Sunday, June 24, 2012


This week Tyler had some excitement when the company next to his caught on fire. This wasn't just a little fire either, and he ended up being "forced" by firefighters to evacuate his building and go home. It was scary to get a call from him and then see the huge blaze on the news but at least it was in that order. And I am so glad the firefighters were able to contain it and no one was seriously injured by it. Here is the picture he took of Farnsworth Wholesale Company on fire.

I also had some "excitement" this week with my job. My boss (who is also the only other tutor) told me this week that she took a teaching job again. She is going to be working full time as a reading specialist this coming school year but she wants to keep her tutoring company. That means that I will get a lot of her clients so I probably won't have to sub anymore. Yeah! So glad because subbing was not going to work well when I have a nursing baby to feed (inconsistent breaks would make pumping hard). It will also be nice that my boss will finally have to let go of some control a little too, I like being independent :) This is truly perfect timing and I feel so blessed! 

1 comment:

  1. I saw that fire on the news! Wow, I didn't know Tyler was so close to it. Who knows? He and that blowtorch are a little too friendly...maybe he started it
