Sunday, June 10, 2012


I am so blessed! I haven't even known a week that I have a little girl on the way and already I have TONS of little girl things. Thanks to my good friend Karen Eberhard and my mom (who had clothes from my niece) Ben's closet (poor kid!) is full of dresses, jackets and sweaters. And that doesn't even account for all the onesies, pants, shorts, sleepers, shoes, etc. that I was given. I spent all of Saturday afternoon giggling over pink & frilly things as I organized what I was given into my own mad system. If you went into our spare/guest/storage bedroom you may think it looks a bit chaotic  but I promise, it is extremely organized!

Saturday afternoon was eye opening for 2 reasons. 1: It helped me realize I don't need to spend money we don't have. We have the essentials which is such a blessing. 2: I realized what a completely new world I'm stepping into. I have never needed to use the boys closet except to hang maybe a suit or  two. Now I have filled up a closet. My boys have usually owned only one or two pairs of shoes that fit at a time, my little girl already has WAY more than that. I have never had to concern myself with hair, now I have a baggie and jar full of bows. Not to mention the beauty of flowers, lace, ruffles, pink and purple. I am so excited (and a bit nervous) for all this newness!

The other blessing we received this weekend was a new couch! to us! Tyler's parent's got a new couch and were kind enough to give us their old one. They had already given us it's love seat awhile back and now we are super excited to have its matching couch and chair. Our old couch has definitely been through the ringer and we are not feeling any pains to let it go. Yeah for a fancy new leather couch!

And just because I don't want to leave out my boys. Here's a cute picture of Ben after he picked out what clothes he wanted to wear. And then a picture of Steven being invisible. 


  1. dresses!!! so fun. and yay for a new couch that will easily survive years of spills and drool ;)

  2. It does seem a bit overwhelming but sooo much fun!!! I got so excited picking out what Jaylee was going to wear every day and for church. Has it hit home yet for Tyler of the world he's stepping into? Good thing he has that blow torch for when the boys start ringing the doorbell asking her out!
