Friday, June 8, 2012

My Baby Girl

Yesterday at 19 weeks along, I had my second ultrasound. This time I brought along a whole crew: Tyler, my mom, Steven and Ben. This doctor's office is SO much more child friendly than my last one and the boys had no problem waiting because they were able to watch "Up" and play with Mr. Potato Heads. When we went back to our room, Steven was disappointed that he couldn't stand by me and he remained focused on that throughout. Ben had his Grams and Daddy so he was pretty content to just sit with them. He really had no clue what was going on.

When it came time for the gender reveal I could hardly believe it when they told me I was having a girl! I was so sure I was in for my third boy that I even asked, "Are you sure!?" (while crying). She replied that of course you won't know for sure until it comes out but there certainly was nothing between my little one's legs. So I don't have a 100% guarantee but I have more of a guarantee than I have ever had before. 

This will be the first grand daughter on Tyler's side- she'll have 4 boy cousins and her 2 brothers to  contend with. Poor thing will be outnumbered but I am sure she will be spoiled enough to make up for it. It is taking every ounce of my self control not to go out there and buy every cute girl item I have been dying to buy for years but I have remained strong. We'll see how I do throughout the course of this pregnancy and when she makes her presence. 

Right now I am content to dream big about how I'll decorate her room and think about names, Lucy or Abigail. And I love being able to remind my boys constantly that they are going to have a little sister. Steven claims that he's happy it's a girl, although he is sad he won't be able to name it Jayden or Jacob Two Two. Really, I think we're all excited for this sweet new baby and all the fun that will come with her!

1 comment:

  1. aww! i didn't know you cried! i am super excited you're finally getting your girl. i'm having a hard time not buying stuff FOR you already!!
