Sunday, June 24, 2012


Lately I've been thinking that maybe I should just shift rooms and have Steven take the guest room, Ben take Steven's room & the baby in Ben's room.( I'm really worried that nap time will die when the boys share a room.) But that thought always involved the intimidating job of clearing out all the junk from the guest room so I was set on the boys sharing a room....until I went crazy yesterday and majorly cleaned out the room. Now it consists of bedroom furniture & a few storage bins. If you had seen it before, I promise you'd be impressed by me! After all (by myself) I moved a bookshelf into my bedroom, took all my old school supplies and organized them into cupboards in my bedroom, and dealt with other miscellaneous items. 

The sad part, is that after all that work, I presented this bedroom as an option to Steven and he turned it down. He is dead set on having a bunk bed with Ben and I'm not sure I can convince him otherwise. Although he may not have a choice depending on what we decided to do. And I guess even if he doesn't sleep there, it is nice to have an empty guest room.

Also, in all this fiasco I managed to get Tyler to do a DI run, getting rid of some stuff that's been hanging around for too long AND I managed to get Tyler to FINALLY hang up the mirror above my dresser. After 3 years of it sitting on our bedroom floor, it is now where it belongs. YAY!

The cleaning also involved going through a container of Tyler's old thing. Basically his parents had thrown all the contents of his old room in it and there were some interesting finds. Like his old retainer.... Oddly enough (or should I say disgustingly enough) Ben has taken to carrying it around and even went to sleep with it last night...

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