Saturday, December 3, 2011


My parent's insurance/investment group holds a special Amazing Jake's Christmas Party every year and my parents invited us to go. The kids LOVED it. Pizza, ice cream, cookies, rides, a goody bag and SANTA! What more could toddler boys ask for? 

Steven had a blast on the rides. This time he went on the spinning "roller coaster" ride and the frog hopper which goes up and then drops down in intervals. I'll be honest, I was a bit nervous for him but he, of course, loved the rides and wanted to go again and again. 

And surprisingly, both Ben & Steven sat on Santa's lap without fear or tears. Steven claimed at first that he didn't want to but then he eagerly jumped on up and told him that he wanted a rocket ship and a volcano and pretty much everything else in the world. 

Ben also jumped on up and smiled awkwardly. I am sure he was wondering why I put him on this strange man's lap. And Santa was wondering why he had to endure such a drooly, little boy. Darn wet ring around his neck really ruined the aesthetic appeal of the picture.

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