Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

I wasn't able to send a New Years Card out to as many people as I usually do this year because of finances being tight so for those of you who missed out here's a little update on our life and some cute new family pictures at the end:

Tyler continues to work part-time at a building supply company as their lead computer program developer. He also continues to move along at ASU. This Fall Semester he got straight B's in the classes he was taking. That was a huge accomplishment for him. If all goes as planned he will graduate from ASU in 4 more semesters with a degree in Computer Engineering.

This May I finally said adios to being a full time teacher. Now I am a substitute teacher, usually I sub about twice a week. I also tutor two nights a week. We are definitely living on a small budget now that I'm very part time but I am getting quite good at cutting coupons and shopping the weekly ads. We are also lucky that my parent's continue to let us rent their old house for a wicked, good price. We are so blessed to have such a large space and great neighborhood to live in despite our financial strains.

Steven is growing too fast. He will be 4 years old this February. Some ladies at my church organized a cooperative preschool which means that we all take a turn teaching 7 little preschoolers. This is great because Steven is able to attend preschool twice a week at no cost to us and all his church friends are there. He is learning so much. He can identify all his colors, shapes, and letters. He is even beginning to write some of his ABC’s. He loves books, coloring, and being with friends and cousins.

Benjamin will be 2 years old at the end of March. He was a late walker but now cruises around with no problems and his vocabulary continues to grow. He loves being outside, throwing balls, and of course, trucks & trains!

We are so blessed to live near to many good friends and family and I am grateful everyday for the beautiful life we’ve been blessed with. We wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope for an amazing 2012 for all!

Jenny, Tyler, Steven & Ben

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