Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Ghost Strikes Again

My children have caught their typical Winter cough so there humidifiers are back in action and my sleepless nights are back. At 1:30am I was awoke by a loud coughing sound at my doorway. Apparently the med's I had given Steven had worn off and if he couldn't sleep, neither could I. I took him back to his room, gave him another dose of cough suppressant (which wasn't easy) and laid with him until the coughing subsided and he was able to sleep again. By that time I was wide awake. 

And as I laid in bed waiting to fall back asleep, I heard an eerie knocking sound. The first time I thought maybe I was just imagining it but then I kept hearing it. So, feeling a bit terrified but slightly brave as well, I went downstairs to investigate. I timidly peeked from the stairs out the front door window, I turned on the living room light and then turned it off, I waited quietly for the sound but it didn't return. My investigation was fruitless. So I went back upstairs. 

Of course, as soon as I had laid down and was feeling sleepy, the sound returned. After quite some time of listening to it and feeling properly creeped out I finally decided to wake up Tyler. Together we  went  downstairs to investigate and as before, the sound disappeared and didn't return until we were both back, and cozy in bed.

As I laid in bed I determined our old lady ghost was back and was just knocking around downstairs with her cane. Nothing to be afraid of, right? And as I came to this conclusion, Tyler had a revelation. 

The humidifier in Ben's room. He went into Ben's room and his revelation was confirmed. The knocking sound was the water "glugging" down. Annoying but not too scary.

 So last night we did have a ghost, but this time it was in the shape of an elephant...

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