On Christmas Day we, surprisingly, had to wake up the boys at 8am. It seemed that despite all our building up the night before Steven didn't really believe that it was finally Christmas. When woken he said, "We have to go back to sleep so Santa can come." He clearly didn't realize that we had already done that...
Steven as usual gave a pretty lame-sauce reaction when he walked down the stairs (but at least he faked happiness for the camera once and I do mean just once) but Ben got pretty excited about his gifts...once they were opened. He would NOT open the presents so pretty much I ended up opening all of them.
Ben with the basketball hoop & ball that Santa got him
Steven on the bike Santa got him- unfortunately he still can't figure out the pedals so he hates it :(
Steven looking thrilled with the "rocket ship" Santa got him
Ben loving his new cars!
Tyler showing off the paint scraper & flashlight that Steven picked out for him
Tyler "loving" the game he got for his new Xbox
Steven with all his presents. Santa got him a volcano AND rockets and still no joy for the camera....
Ben looking disgusted by his gifts
Tyler with his meager amount of gifts but he did FINALLY get an Xbox!
Me spoiled rotten as always. I got a bike & a camera & TONS of clothes & shoes. Ridiculously spoiled.
After the gifts were unwrapped, I went outside to make sure that I really could still remember how to ride a bike. Then we all got dressed up for church and went to the Hatch home. Once there, we were given a few more gifts and then we hung out until we had to leave for church. Hanging out consisted of Steven playing with Brennen & Bryson's new toys, me browsing Pintrest with my sister-in-laws & Tyler setting up Mariah's new laptop.
Steven got another volcano! Unlike the lava lamp volcano Santa got him, this one really explodes!
Ben got some Thomas the Train Squirt Toys for the bath tub
Steven opened our gifts...
And Tyler was SO excited to see Steven holding another controller for his Xbox
And I got an Amazon gift card!
After church we headed to my parent's house. My mom had out the makings for turkey sandwich and then their was my famous bean salsa and Rebecca made delicious spinach dip. It was a delicious dinner. When we finished stuffing our faces, Tyler made Steven's volcano explode and then their was some more gift unwrapping...
I stuck with my traditional LEGO gift for my brother
My mom got my cousin Fred a yummy treat & AMC gift card
I got Rebecca a food processor so she wouldn't have to borrow mine ;)
My mom got me a cute necklace holder (She also got me a necklace & made me a blanket & my brother got me ANOTHER gift card for Amazon- now I can finally read books on my Kindle again!)
My mom reading the amazing book I made her and dad called "10 Ways to Be a Brady"
My dad displaying the paintings my boys made for him
After the gifts were exchanged I worked on a puzzle with Fred & Rebecca, Tyler played Xbox with Mike & my boys threw around the Angry Birds Rebecca made them & played with all the other toys my mom has hanging about. It was really a nice & relaxing end to Christmas Day.

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