Monday, December 5, 2011

Temple Lights & Crickets

Since I am not a crazy full-time working mama this Christmas season, I finally have the time to enjoy the holiday fun before the crazy crowds form. Today I decided we were going to visit the Mesa Temple as soon as dark fell. It would still be early in the evening and early in the month and I hoped this would equal much smaller crowds than I usually encounter. It totally did! Me and the boys enjoyed the lights and I wasn't terrified of losing them in the mass of people. However, I still made them hold hands for "safety" reasons and it was super cute! We had a great night checking out the lights!

And after we were back in the warmth of our house Steven found a cricket. He has this gross habit of picking them up and letting them crawl all over him. I finally gave him permission to do this but found myself regretting it when suddenly his shirt was off and he was giggling about how it had disappeared underneath it. Oh my boy and bugs.

1 comment:

  1. what?! they hold hands? i'm surprised they didn't push each other into the reflection pool...
