Saturday, December 31, 2011

Steven Vs. Pull-Ups


When Steven was first potty trained he only had accidents a couple times a month during the night. But recently the amount of accidents has greatly increased. After trying to limit water intake, having him go potty right before bed time, even offering incentives I could see it was something he couldn't control so, I introduced him to Pull-Ups It wasn't out of anger or spite, I just couldn't keep cleaning up after him. I had no idea I was starting WWIII.

After being potty trained since this summer, my stubborn child did not want to revert to wearing what he perceived as "diapers." Every night bedtime was painful as I had to force him to put on the Pull-Ups. There was screaming, there was back arching and of course, intense wiggling.

And even worse, the little turkey, would wake up in the middle of the night and change into underwear only to have an accident later on in the night and I would still end up having to wash his sheets. Frustrating.

But I am grateful to say that the Pull-Ups have finally won the war! How? All of Steven's underwear is now located in our room. So when it's time for bed, there is no choice but Pull-Ups to put on. And when he wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to put on his underwear, what does he find? A drawer full of Pull-Ups. It's fantastic and I am enjoying the sweet smell of clean sheets again!

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