Monday, November 28, 2011

I Probably Deserve This...


I will confess that I am picky eater but when it comes to picky eaters, even compared to my father, Ben takes the cake. Lunch and dinner have become impossible. He used to like recipes that included ground beef but now he detests those. He used to eat chicken nuggets but now he scream at them. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are now also snubbed. So with those options eliminated, all that is left is pizza and pasta. 

However, even pasta has a condition. It must either be macaroni and cheese or it must be covered in red sauce and not include any sort of obvious meat. Today I went to offer him a Gerber Graduates Ravioli and he shrieked at it SO I put spaghetti sauce on it and THEN he gobbled it down. Lunch & dinner time have become frustrating. Truly.

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