Friday, November 18, 2011

My Mommy Moment

Today I went grocery shopping with my kids. The shopping itself was a normal experience with it's normal toddler fun. Ben screamed his ear-splitting scream a few times and Steven trudged far behind me, begging to leave so he could get his treat (yes I use bribery to get through the trip). We survived, checked out, and loaded up the van. Then I went to grab my keys so we could go...

And they were nowhere to be found. Not in my pockets, not in my diaper bag, not on any of the seats or in the trunk with the groceries. I looked AND looked AND looked. And then I panicked. I couldn't figure out how they could just disappear but after a half hour of searching I came to the conclusion that they must have done just that. I decided that they must be in the black hole that has swallowed up my boys' sippy cups,  socks, pacifiers, etc.

So I called Tyler and I begged him to come save me. After laughing at me, because he's so understanding, he agreed. And after all the stress and lost time it was then that I finally decided to do the smart thing and say a prayer. 1 minute later I remembered that while scouring the van for keys, I didn't look in the one place I often place my keys, the top of the van.

And there they were.  Sitting proudly on the top of my van. And Tyler... Well he showed up a few minutes after I arrived home. So who really got the last laugh?

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