Saturday, November 19, 2011

Parades & Hot Air Balloons

Saturday we had two activities planned and I was certain that both would be fun for the boys. One was absolutely free and the other cost $13. Why is it though, that the  free thing proved to be WAY better than the not free thing? And why is it that I forgot my camera for documenting the absolutely fun activity but I remembered it for the lame-O activity? I really need to plan things better...

Our first planned activity was the free, fun, undocumented one.  My friend, Katrin, was in town and invited me to go to the Gilbert Days Parade with her and her family. With horses, fire engines, military vehicles, big trucks, marching bands, dancers and free candy being thrown about, I knew it would be a hit with the boys. And I was proved right. It was like live TV only this TV gave out candy. At one point, when the military vehicles were driving down the street Steven commented, "I've seen those on TV!" The boys loved it and even luckier for them, we stood next to a family that brought their pet parrot. Entertainment in itself. It was great fun and the best part was that it cost us NOTHING.

Our second activity was the costworthy, lame, documented one. Groupon offered 2 tickets for $8 to Chandler's "2011 AZ Balloon Classic." The ad boasted "witness more than 50 hot air balloons take flight" and "family entertainment" and a "family fun zone." So with the kids being free and us only costing $8 it seemed like some perfect fun for a Saturday evening. 

Well, it started off with us being stuck in parking traffic for an hour and a half, paying $5 to park in overflow parking and making a long trek to the front gates only to find out we had to exchange our Groupon page for tickets. And from there things certainly didn't go "Up."

There was a grand total of 6 hot air balloons up when we left and none of the balloons actually took flight. The closest thing thing to "taking flight" was one that was tethered to the ground that would go up a couple feet and then back down, and for a fee you could "ride" in it. There was no family entertainment unless you count a man at a microphone telling the hot air balloons to light up every so often and announcing the parachuters would be a half hour late (and probably unseen in the pitch black sky).

And the family fun zone? A few bounce houses with long lines that would cost a couple bucks worth of tickets per kids and a train that was $4 per kid to ride. 

 So needless to say we left early. I do admit it was neat to see the hot air balloons "glow" in the dark and be up close and personal to them. And it was interesting to hear their pilots explain how they work and other such things. But the glowing excitement wore off quickly, especially for a whiny 3 year old and the explanation could only last so long. Maybe the other nights were better and as advertised but for us it was mostly just disappointing. At least we got some nice pictures out of it though...

At least someone was happy!

Smile like you mean it mom.

The moon balloon

Up close and personal with the glow

Had to take a picture of my favorite store's balloon

Look mom, I'm so loving this.

Me too.

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