Saturday, November 26, 2011

Good Deals & Good Food

I spent most of this Thanksgiving weekend shopping and it was well worth it. I am happy to say that most of my Christmas shopping is done. Whoop, whoop!

I found out that Best Buys would sell it's Black Friday deals online Thanksgiving day but of course they didn't say what time. So I stayed up until midnight, it still wasn't live so around 1:00am I went to bed. Then around 5am I woke up and the deal was live. So I got Tyler's gift and didn't even have to wait outside for hours to get it. So worth the lack of sleep!

After the little sleep I felt really crummy so I hung out with the boys at home while Tyler played football with the Ward. After that we joined my family. Everyone was there, even my cousin, Fred. And surprisingly, even with Clifford there, everyone got along and there was no fighting. I spent the rest of the day eating amazing food, planning my Black Friday shopping, chatting and attempting to craft. One of my crafts failed miserably because I could not figure out the directions the blog gave (and neither could any of my crafty family members) but, thankfully, Rebecca found me a video tutorial of it and I got it figured out. That evening we went and hung out with Tyler's family and had some yummy pumpkin pie!

The next day I woke up at 4:30am and did my Black Friday shopping. I hit things SO perfectly. Most of the stores had opened at midnight so the crazy lines and shoppers were gone but things were getting restocked so I still got EVERYTHING I wanted (including a $25 bike for Steven). I was so proud of myself!

I am so thankful for good deals and of course,  I am so thankful for my family. I couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving weekend!

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