Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Boys

Steven is still....
-(As seen above) sucking on his thumb. If only you could lose a thumb the way you could lose a pacifier.
-The best storyteller EVER. Whether about monsters or tomatoes (a.k.a.tornadoes) the story is always exciting. Especially when he tells stories about himself that begin with  "Yesterday I was at the hospital.."
-Making us laugh. "Mommy when you grow small like me you can go to preschool too" "Mommy i wanna take your eyebrows off so you can't be mad anymore"
-Able to identify his letters. And now he is getting pretty good at writing some of his letters too. It's fun to see his scrawled letters on our driveway and whiteboards and on his pictures at church. He is my smart boy!

Ben is....
-Drooling again. Yes, the bib is back. I think blogging about its end jinxed it so maybe blogging about its return could do something similar...? 
- One heck of a face planter. He always seems to land on his nose and then blood ensues. And bloody nose are awful for so many reasons.
-Becoming such a parrot. He tries to copy things you say and instead of all imitated words sounding like  "Ooo!" they are actually sounding like the intended words. It's fabulous! And not only is he a parrot in words but in actions as well. If Steven runs over to tell me something, I can expect Ben to do the same thing a moment later- only instead of actually telling me something like Steven does, the "Ooo!" sound will make its comeback and there will be much finger pointing involved.
-Still a pacifier  baby but only when he sleeps. This means he gets very excited when it's time to take a nap or go to bed. He loves his paci and though I did try to make him go cold turkey, the return of teething has made it a necessary bedtime commodity. He needs his comfort and I need my daytime break & nighttime sleep.

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