Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Festival

The weather finally took a major cool down this weekend and it was perfect timing for the Fall Festival that was held at the park by my parent's house. Their Fall Festival wasn't loaded full of things to do it. They kept it simple with a Petting Zoo and a Bounce House for the kids. But honestly, what more could toddler boys ask for? 

Ben refused to ride the pony. He loved all the other animals because they were smaller than him but he couldn't come to terms with the pony since it "towered" over him:

Steven loved riding on the pony the first time but was upset when we made him go back on it so we could take his picture. He was in love with all the birds at the petting zoo and couldn't bear to leave them.

I was watching Steven's cousin, Miles, so he got to join in the fun. This is one of the birds that Steven loved. It was amazing to me that they trusted him to hold it and that the chicken didn't try to negotiate release with some pecking.

Benny played no favorites with the animals. He enjoyed wandering around and gently patting all of them. I was surprise at just how gentle he really was. He did so good with the animals.

Steven still holding his special friend. When asked to put it down he said, "But it loves me." The baby duck he held later on also loved him and was also rarely put down.

 And Bounce House fun shots! They especially loved the pit of balls. At some points I was concerned they would be buried alive in them but they all made it out alive :)

Afterwards poppy treated them to McDonalds so I think it's pretty safe to say that they boys had an awesome day!

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