Saturday, April 27, 2019

A Billion Easter Pics and a Zoo Outing

Sunday was Easter and since I relied heavily on Blog pictures when I made my kids their photo books I thought I better start adding more pictures in my posts so be prepared for lots of Easter photos! 

Easter morning the kids woke up to notes from the Easter Bunny telling them where to find their baskets. (Side Note- Steven has the Easter Bunny figured out- Mom and Dad buy the stuff and the Easter Bunny hides it. He's so smart ;)) Penny's basket was hidden in the pantry since she likes snacks so much. Lucy's basket was hidden in the Guest Room because she loves to color pictures in there. Ben's basket was hidden near his Minecraft Minifigures since he loves playing with those. And Steven's basket was hidden by my dumbbells since he has been working out with his dad lately.

After they rifled through their baskets we made them take a picture with their goodies. Ben got his photo book (These were a lot of work. I did a couple pages of each year of their life, highlighting big events that happened in the year with pictures and I included stories of funny things they said), a framed picture of the Detroit Temple, a slingshot, bubbles, Minecraft Minifigures, and a chocolate bunny. Also pictured is the water gun Grams and Poppy Brady got him.

Steven got his photo book, a framed picture of Christ looking at the starry sky (Tyler is jealous and wants this pic too), a slingshot, bubbles, Minecraft Minifigures, and a chocolate bunny.He also got a  water gun from Grams and Poppy Brady.

Penny got her photo book, a picture of the Detroit Temple, bath bombs, bubbles, Shopkins, and a chocolate bunny. Also pictured is her DIY bath bomb kit from Grams and Poppy Brady.

Lucy got her photo book, bath bombs, bubbles, Shopkins, and a chocolate bunny. She also got a DIY bath bomb from Grams and Poppy Brady. And also she got a framed picture of Jesus but she forgot to set it out with her stuff. Apparently she wasn't too excited about it but I am glad that now all the kids have a temple and Jesus pic in their room.

Terrible picture of me but Tyler and I got a family basket this year. It included a family photo book (an individual pic of all the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins on both sides with names and birthdays), a temple picture matching game that I made, some candy and the game The Floor is Lava.

After all the Easter Basket fun I made the kids their traditional Easter Bunny pancakes. I may have accidentally eaten all the pink and red jellybeans out of the bag so Penny's got a strawberry nose because she is my strawberry eater and everyone else got purple noses for their bunnies. It's funny because the kids were talking the night before about getting their bunny pancakes and then when I actually made them they seemed not too excited. Oh traditions. At least 3 out of the 4 kids gobbled it down. Lucy was the one that didn't- she only ate the parts that had candy or whip cream on them. She's such a sugar monster.

The perk of having 11:30 church is that we had plenty of time in the morning to take pictures of the kids all dressed up so I may have gotten carried away. -Side note: getting Lucy's Easter dress was a bit of an ordeal. The one I order from Target would have been like Penny's, just a different color but they kept delaying the shipping until finally I gave up on it. It took me forever to find a long dress that matched somewhat with Penny's but I think it turned out well.- Here are all my little Hatchlings. We did family pics, funny pics, individual pics, brother and sister pics- the whole works. They hated me for taking so many pics but one day they will be grateful for all this documentation.

At church Steven actually had a verse of the song "Beautiful Savior" that he sang with a few other boys at the microphone and oh boy, he forgot the lyrics. I had asked him that morning about it and he said he didn't know if he was doing it. I tried to practice with him  because I was sure he was doing it but he wasn't interested. So when he got up there, he sang about one line of the verse and then he looked at us and shrugged. I kid you not, he shrugged at us, and then he proceeded to alternate from not singing to mouthing made up words. Oi. He still got a thank you card from the Primary Chorister for singing that I am not so sure he deserved. He's got another school choir concert this Monday so we'll see how he does but I am not sure performing is in his future. 

Church was really nice though. My friend who has had two miscarriages gave a talk about her testimony of our Savior and it was really touching. I also got a little choked up during my Primary lesson and one of the kids was keen to point out how I almost cried. 

After church we had our traditional kidified  Jerusalem food for dinner (Pita chips, hummus, fish sticks, fruit, Fig Newtons, grape juice). The kids look forward to this meal and I love the simplicity of it and the way it gets our focus on the meaning of Easter. It ties us right into the Last Supper and the events that happened afterwards.

Monday Tyler was off work and the weather was absolutely beautiful so after cleaning the house in the morning, we went out to lunch and then enjoyed a couple hours at the zoo. I could have stayed their longer but we ended up just doing half of the zoo because Tyler's back was bothering him. Of course part of our zoo excursion had to include cotton candy. Penny was not complaining. We also saw my friend Corinne and her family there. She came running at me to give me a hug and nearly gave me a heart attack since I was not expecting to see someone running towards me, ha ha.

Penny was real tired afterwards and passed out like this in the car. Don't worry, after snapping a pic I fixed her position in the seat so she wouldn't die if we got in an accident. It just amazes me the positions kids can fall asleep in.

My Tuesday was full of volunteering- Lucy's class in the morning and Ben's in the afternoon. Then Wednesday Penny had her speech class, which she still loves and then we went shopping for Bunco prizes. I always think this going to be easier and more fun than it actually ends up being. I end up getting to hung up on what people will like and worry too much that I am getting lame prizes. I still have one more prize to get and am being super indecisive about it. That's typical me.

After shopping we met up with Corinne and little Lucie. The girls biked from Corinne's house to a park in their neighborhood and we had a little picnic. It was another beautiful day and great outing.

Wednesday night I didn't sleep super good and then I woke up having started my period so I was not in a super great mood Thursday. I am feeling frustrated at not being pregnant yet. I had such strong feelings that we are supposed to add another kid to our family that I guess I assumed it would happen quickly. There is still the part of me that is relieved but there's a part of me that is getting excited about the good things that a baby brings. I also am having trouble planning the next school year not knowing if I'll be pregnant yet or not. I figure if I am I don't think I want to work at the preschool (where some church friends work and I could possibly have a position too) because I think I'll want to enjoy a little break before we add a 5th. But if I don't get pregnant then I might want a consistent job so I don't feel like a lazy bum with all my kids in school. I guess I can always sub but subbing has felt a bit stressful this year. So right now I am just trying to have faith that the Lord has a plan for me and he can see the big picture and his timing is perfect. It's just really hard sometimes.

Anyways back to Thursday, I ended up hanging out at my friend's house that morning so Penny could help her entertain her kiddo. She had just had Gallbladder surgery and was pretty confined to the couch. This friend drives me a little crazy because the only reason I found out she had the surgery was because when I texted her to see if she was going to story time, she told me she couldn't drive there. She hadn't told anyone she was getting surgery this week. I don't know why she is so opposed to having others help but at least I was able to help some.

Friday I ended up subbing and I felt a little like I was loosing my mind. I was teaching 3 digit subtraction and kept making ridiculous mistakes- how can I possibly make mistakes with 3 digit subtraction!? Fractions and physics- that makes sense but subtraction!? All I can say is- ugh! And then I was taking my friend's son home because she was watching Penny and I lost him. He was in line behind my class and then disappeared. I went to the office to have them call for him and as I was telling my story (and they were looking at me strangely) I turned and he was literally right next to me. I felt so ridiculous. But besides failing at teaching subtraction and losing someone right next to went well. 

Friday night Tyler took his scouts (including Steven since he's been working with the 11 year old Scouts) on a camp out. It was chilly last night and I am eager to hear how they survived. Also that night, Ben had his first Soccer Skills class of the season. When the class ended he kept telling me how much fun he had. I love his good attitude. Lucy has been taking a Basketball Skills class on Tuesday nights and she seems less enthusiastic. She is not so great at it and she doesn't ever ask for help and I am just not sure she is enjoying it. But at least Ben is liking his class!

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