Sunday, April 7, 2019

Going Home and Spring Break

We had a nice leisurely morning Monday since check out wasn't until 1pm. We packed up our stuff, packed up some lunches, cleaned up a bit, watched some TV and headed out just before lunchtime. On our way back home we made a quick stop at the Hershey Chocolate Factory Niagara Falls. We ended up paying to park (parking was ridiculous all through Niagara Falls) and then spent too much on candy that we could have bought anywhere. Probably a poor choice but at least they had some fun photo ops.

The drive back home was pretty uneventful. We finished listening to "The Wizard of Oz" and started "The Hatchet." I think the kids get bits and pieces of the books that we listen to. We drove this trip without giving the kids any electronic devices and I think it went pretty good. They always get a little restless on the last hour so that's when they decided to color on Penny's face. At least they were exercising their creativity right? 

Back home I spent the next day cleaning up from the trip and getting groceries. I even squeezed in a run and about died- it had been far too long! My lungs felt like they were going to implode. I hate how easy it is to regress with fitness.

On Wednesday we went to the Ann Arbor Museum. The kids love this place and we managed to hit most of the museum before things got too crowded. We had gone top to bottom and when we got to the bottom floor it was so crowded and I had to be a little pushy so the kids get a chance to sit in the ambulance. They probably spent the most time building with big Styrofoam blocks and knocking down their creations. This was probably our last visit to the museum since our membership expires at the end of this month. 

Wednesday night Grams, Lucy and I went a did a little shopping- I needed some frames for some pictures I got the kids for Easter. Then we stopped at a Cupcake shop in the mall for some fancy cupcakes. It was fun having Miss Lucy with us.

Thursday was another low key day at home- the kids just had some friends over. That night Tyler and I got to go on a temple date- a definite perk to having Grams here. It was a less crowded session than I have been to lately and that was nice. I have been struggling with some things lately and the answer that came to me on that session was "Grace." I love the peace and answers that I receive at the temple. When we finished our session we got pulled over on our way home- we have a headlight out. I think he really wanted to find something wrong with us- he wanted to know why were dressed up, where we were coming from, if we had any drugs or weapons, yada yada. Unfortunately for him we are not that exciting so a verbal warning to fix our headlights was all he gave us.

Friday we got out again and went to the zoo. The weather was good- only a little chilly so Grams and I didn't complain too much ;) We got to go on the new rope bridge above the Red Pandas which seemed pointless since all we could see was one of the panda's bums. Then when we got off the bridge we saw one climb down and got to watch it walk into it's little home. Other highlights- watching the penguins waddle back and forth, a yellow butterfly landing on a yellow spot on Lucy's jacket, watching a polar bear with a bucket on his head, Steven seeing his friend Apollo from Kurtz, going into the new giraffe building and seeing the giraffe's up close and personal and the watching a mommy chimpanzee with her baby.

Friday night Grams took us all out to Steak and Shake for dinner. Usually we have a good experience there but it didn't go so well that night. We stood waiting to be seated for about 10 minutes without being acknowledged. A big school group of kids had just left when we arrived but the least they could've done is let us know they'd be with us after cleaning the tables. It felt rude. When they finally sat us down they then took forever to come and get our orders. It was a little frustrating but the food was still good and the kids loved getting their milkshakes. I am sure the waiters were just overwhelmed from the school group ahead of us but I think they could've handled it better- oh well. Due to the lack of service Penny ended up drinking her applesauce with a straw since she didn't have a spoon- always resourceful!

Saturday morning Grams and I ran a few errands and then it was General Conference time. I really enjoyed Brother Hales talk about Heavenly Father being aware of us and our needs. It's a good reminder that he knows best and we need to trust in him. In between sessions we decided to take a walk down to the park since the weather was beautiful. The boys got bored fast- it's possible they might be outgrowing parks which makes me sad. 

The second session of conference seemed to me to focus a lot on seeing things with our spiritual eye and not just relaying on that rational side of us- something I needed to hear. I really do love General Conference. I also love having my mom here and am sad that she is only with us for a couple more days. The time has gone far too quickly.

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