Thursday, April 4, 2019

Ben's Birthday

Last week Grams flew in town on Tuesday. Penny and I picked her up after volunteering in both Lucy and Ben's classrooms. Lucy's teacher has now put me on the volunteer rotation and I am not sure how this is going to go. Penny always tags along with me and it was a long morning for her going to both classes. But I will say I enjoyed being in Lucy's class more than Ben's. I got to do a rhyming game with small groups and that's way more fun than the constant writing editing that is done in Ben's room.

Tuesday night Grams and I went with Steven for the Talent Show Rehearsal. He is in Choir and the Choir opens the show so they had to practice their song. The Talent Show was at the High School and it was a little crazy to think my little Steven is only 3 years away from attending High School. Time is a thief. The practice for his song was quick and even so, Steven had a hard time standing still while singing. He's a wiggly one. 

Wednesday Penny had her speech class and then afterwards we did some shopping at Kohl's with Grams. We found these nice winter coats for the girls and ended up paying only $5 for each of them. A super steal and it will be so nice to not have to buy new ones next year. Winter gear can really add up.

Thursday night was Steven's actual choir performance in the Talent Show. We had to get there before the doors opened and we still ended up sitting way up in the balcony seats. It was so crowded. Steven's choir sang "Fireflies" by Owl City and they were probably the best act. We stayed for some of it and there were some acts that were real awkward to sit through because kids were super off key or making lots of stumbles in their dance moves. I guess that's to be expected at an Elementary Talent Show but I hate seeing people fail in front of a big crowd. My heart hurts for them.

Friday was Ben's real birthday so we started the day with Lucky Charms for breakfast and opening gifts. He got some pretty good loot. From Grams and Poppy Brady he got some Pokemon figures and cards. From Grams and Poppy Hatch he got a Snorlax stuffie and Pokemon cards. And from us he got a Lego set and laser tag game. I think his most played with gift has probably been the Laser Tag guns and the Pokemon figures take a strong second.

I picked him up from lunch and he got to go to McDonald's with Grams, Penny and I. He had a really good time until he almost ran into a McDonald's worker who was carrying a tray of food. It was almost a real big tragedy but thankfully no food was spilled. 

After McDonald's he came home for a bit and played with his new toys and then I took him back to school and read the book Creepy Carrots to his class. I really, really love reading fun books to kids. I need this to be my job. Then when Ben came home from school we hogged down on pizza, his friend Jacob from next door came over and played laser tag with him and then then he got to be sung to one more time and have some cake. I think it was a good 9th birthday for this sweet boy of mine.

And will end this post with some funny stories:

-This past week I discovered a bunch of petrified carrots behind the couch in our front living room. I thought it had to be Steven hiding them. Who would be smart enough to not just throw them in the garbage but hide them? We also don't let the kids leave until they clear there plates so they would have to have hid them in their pockets or somewhere. Well Steven claimed innocence so we asked the other kids and when we got to Penny she didn't confirm or deny it. But when she started crying we knew she was guilty. That girl is trouble. We also discovered a corn dog behind there further confirming it was her since all the other kids love corn dogs.

-(Our question of the day was would you rather be a Unicorn or Pegasus)
Penny: I want to be a unicorn because they have a horn.
Me: Why do you want a horn?
Penny: So I can make people die the death.
Lucy: That's really rude.

- After eating birthday cake Lucy's face was a mess so I asked her to go wash it. As she was running to the bathroom she abruptly stopped and shouted, "Oooo a crumb!" Then she leaned down and ate it.

- I was changing a CD in the car and the kids asked me why. I responded because we had already heard that song. Steven's response: "Mom you're such a sensitive person...which makes you annoying."

- The kids were for some awkward reason throwing around the word "boob." I reminded them that, that's where babies get their milk from. Lucy shouted, "No! There what makes you a mommy!"

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