Sunday, April 7, 2019

Niagara Falls Day 2

Sunday in Niagara Falls, NY we woke up to temps in the 30's and snow on the ground. Still I wanted to see the Niagara Falls from the US side so we ventured out to the Niagara Falls Observation Tower. Unfortunately Google told me it opened at 8:30 and Google lied to me. We got there at 9:45 only to find out it didn't open until 10. We walked around the souvenir shop and then headed out figuring we'd get there when it opened up. Well because of the snow they didn't open up at 10. We waited around for awhile figuring they would open up soon. I took pictures, the kids had a snowball fight with their dad. Grams and I discovered an open bathroom that we kept going into to warm up. Hand dryers are such wonders.

But after a bit Grams gave up on waiting and went back to the warmth of the Welcome Center. And I thought we could venture out to Goat Island for another vantage point of the falls while we waited. Unfortunately the kids had other ideas. They stopped frequently to throw snowballs into the river and watch them go down the falls, they stopped frequently to throw snowballs at each other and Penny kept stopping so she could make snowmen. Well it was freezing and I really just wanted to troop over there and troop back and that was not happening so by the time we crossed the bridge to the island I was DONE. I was cold, cranky and irritable. And Grams informed me that the Observation Tower was open so I decided we would go back to the Tower and give up on the island viewpoint.

So here are the views from the Niagara Falls Observation Tower. It is definitely a different perspective. From the Canadian side you can see the falls head on but from the American side you get more of a side view. I think each views are equally beautiful and worth seeing.

When I finished observing the falls we went back into the Welcome Center to warm up before heading back to our car. At this point I was a super cranky lady (the combination of cold and starting my period is not good) so we decided to go back to our airbnb and regroup. We had some lunch, rotted our brains with TV and made new plans. We had previously thought about going to Palmyra to see the Sacred Grove but that involved a lot of driving and more being out in the cold so we decided to go to the Bird Kingdom in Canada instead. Let's be honest, I decided on this plan. I really love birds and had been wanting to go there.

It was a good choice. The Bird Kingdom started off with a random Old Timey Museum with a dinosaur, a mummy and other random things.

Apparently people used to think it was a good idea to go over the Niagara Falls in a barrel. They had an exhibit about this at the Ripley Museum as well but they didn't have as cool of a photo op as the Bird Kingdom did. Even my mom wanted to participate.

The next part of the Bird Kingdom had some turtles. Grams and Benny took a picture with a turtle for Poppy.

Then was one of my favorite parts- the parrots. We got the opportunity to take pictures with them (all but Penny and Grams did it) but they wouldn't let you take personal photos so we had to spend $25 just to buy the photos- they really nickle and dime you in Canada. We also got to watch them do some tricks like spin around, play peek-a-boo and we even heard Shyla say her name. I could've stayed in that room forever, so fun.

 Fun fact about CJ- he is an older bird who doesn't like bright colors or stripes so Ben and I had to roll up our sleeves for a picture with this guy.

The next room was a small aviary with lot of pretty little birds just flying around. Super fun to sit down and just bird watch. The kids lasted for a good while before moving on.

Next up we saw some fun nocturnal animals like owls, tarantulas, bats, and a skunk. Then the last room was giant aviary with lots of big birds out and about. We had a good time spotting all sorts of birds and then the kids also got the opportunity to feed some Lorikeets. They held out some bowls of what I guessed to be sugar water and the birds came a flocking. I felt bad for these birds, they looked pretty rough with feathers missing and their cage area was pretty gross. But the kids enjoyed feeding them and even Penny got brave and let them perch on her.

 A selfie with a Scarlet Ibis on our way out.

I really enjoyed the Bird Kingdom and I think the kids liked it too. The only damper was the end when I went to purchase the pictures of us with the birds. It took FOREVER. The employee was having technical problems and the kids got super restless. Grams did spoil them and buy them some bird stuffies but all that happened and I was still there ordering pictures. But since I am bird obsessed I am glad I bought the pictures.

As we crossed the border back into the US I snapped one last picture of the Niagara Falls.

Afterwards we decided to grab some dinner. I figured we should go to Anchor Bar- the birthplace of Buffalo Wings since Tyler is a Buffalo Wing fanatic. This was not the best choice. He was not impressed with their Buffalo Wings. I guess maybe the original is not the best? I decided to try a Roast Beef on Weck- this is also a Buffalo, NY thing. I was equally unimpressed. The "Weck" roll was a little to onion-y for me.

We went back to our airbnb and after a brief rest decided to go try out this dessert place that sounded amazing- Hertel Avenue Poutine and Cream. This was an excellent choice. Though it was crowded and the wait was so so long it was worth it. I got a creamy bun which was ice cream wrapped up in a doughnut- my 2 favorite things! It was amazing and I am still dreaming about it. Grams got one too and loved it. Tyler got a Freak Shake which was a masterpiece to look at. I wish I had taken pictures so I could properly dream of the dessert. The kids all got ice cream and liked it just fine. There's came fast and was eaten fast so while we were still waiting for ours and eating ours, they drew on the wall at the store. They loved actually having permission to draw on the walls.

Then it was back to our airbnb and bedtime for all the kids.

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