Saturday, April 20, 2019

Scary Bunny, Egg Hunts and Dyeing Eggs

Below is Penny's usual reaction to pretty much everything I make for dinner. We don't force her to eat it but she also doesn't get any snacks or treats (if it's treat day) until she eats it. Life is rough for a picky eater.

On Tuesday Steven and I had the joy of going to the Eye Dr. I do not enjoy visits to the Eye Dr but it was nice to have Steven with me. I was telling him that I hated the Eye Puff test and he tried to tell me he loved it- until he had to do it. It took him forever to get it done because he kept blinking. He also suffers the same indecision that I do on "Better 1/Better 2?" In the end my prescription remained the same and his slightly changed in one eye. We decided to order him new glasses and he basically picked the same frames again- only a slightly different color. That style looks nice on him so I won't complain too much.

Tuesday evening Lucy had her first basketball skills class. She definitely has much to learn when it comes to basketball- namely dribbling (the ball kept rolling away). She did alright at shooting hoops- she just got a bit too close to the hoop, like right under it. It was fun to watch her though and I think she enjoyed it.

Wednesday morning I went over to Corinne's house so we could bake a cake for a friend. It was that friend's birthday and her husband was out of town so we thought it would be a nice gesture. I am still unsure if it was...When I delivered it she didn't seem exceptionally happy about it. She had been having a rough week and I think she is one of those people who would rather be left alone when having a hard time. It was sort of awkward but she still chose to hang out with me the next day so maybe it did cheer her up?

After the cake baking I was going to head to a sub job- Corinne was going to watch Penny for me. As I was nearing time to leave I got a phone call from school saying that Lucy wasn't feeling well. Ugh. After feeling stressed out because I needed to go to work, I called Tyler and he said he could get her and just work from home. While as I was driving to work I got another phone call from the school saying that Lucy was found singing and dancing in the Health Room so she was sent back to class. When I confronted her later that day she looked real guilty. I can't believe she's already trying to connive her way out of school.

Besides the stress of thinking that my kids always get sick when I have to work and being relieved to find out she wasn't in fact sick- it was an easy sub job. And the perk was Tyler had just decided to work from home anyways so he was home when I got home. That was good because I needed to go help stuff eggs for our Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt shortly after I got home. It was nice to go over child free and help out. The "bus stop moms" (as I call them) are all real nice but they were making plans for ladies night on Sunday nights at the beach- and of course these plans included wine. If they follow through with these plans I probably won't be part of this gang much longer but that's cool. Just one of the joys of being a peculiar people.

Thursday was a social day. We went to the Story Time and hung out with Corinne and little Lucie after. We even attempted to play at a nearby park until the rain and wind really picked up. Afterwards I came home and my friend I talked about earlier randomly texted me that she was in the area and wouldn't mind hanging out for a bit. Then we squeezed in picking up groceries before getting everyone from the bus stop.

That night as we were eating dinner Ben's friend Jacob came over and he said he was fine to stay while we taught our church lesson. We were talking about the Garden of Gethsemane and the betrayal and it was neat to hear that Jacob knew the stories too. 

Tyler was off work Friday and we had a pretty lazy morning. I got some cookies baked for the Ward Easter Egg Hunt and then I made this awful cake. I did my usual greasing and flour but the cake still refused to come out. So I thought I could "paste" it together with melted frosting. In my head it sounded like a genius idea. In reality it looked like a hot mess. The kids still had a blast decorating it and giving it angry eyebrows. I am not sure they will ever be able to forget this creepy bunny ;)

After the cake fiasco the Mays came over for a few hours. They left when it was time for our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt on the beach. Caroline decided it was too cold and she'd rather not join us. I don't blame her, it was cold. The kids still had fun gathering eggs and they got WAY too many- their baskets were stuffed full! So much candy that we will definitely be donating some to the Bishop's Office.

Friday evening we watched "The Kid Who Could Be King." The villain in the movies was super creepy when she turned into her dragon form but besides that I think it was a pretty fun movie and I really enjoyed it. I think the kids did too.

Saturday morning I had to play the piano at a baptism so we all went and afterwards was the Ward Easter Egg Hunt. They actually hid the eggs around the church so they kids had to work to find their loot. I think they had a good time even though Steven got  a little frustrated that some kids were taking more eggs than they should have.

Our last Easter tradition of the day was dyeing Easter Eggs. We tried some different methods- painting, shaking the color on in a baggie and these q-tip looking paints. I like the Q-tip paints best. The color showed well and it dried fairly quickly. The kids liked trying all the coloring methods, got super messy and super creative and lots of fun was had. 

Also I never order Spring Pics but they sent them home for us to buy and suckered me in. I liked Lucy's smile in this picture WAY better than in her Fall pictures.

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