Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Walk, A Cold, Chuck E Cheese

Monday was Grams last day with us. I asked Penny what she wanted to do with Grams on her last day and she requested a trip to the mall- mostly because she loves pretzels. Grams and I also love pretzels so we were on board for that. After getting the older kids on the bus we headed to the mall and got there before the pretzel place was open. That meant Penny had some good quality playing time at the play area before it opened- especially since it opened later than it was supposed to due to cash register issues. When we finally got our pretzels Penny and I wolfed ours down- Grams was a little better at savoring hers than we were.

When we came back home after the mall I worked on packing away snow pants and snow boots because I was wildly optimistic that there would be no more snow. Plus they take up so much space and I get tired of all the clutter. Well there was more snow. On Thursday. Thankfully it melted quickly. After I was done organizing clothes and Grams was done checking in for her flight, we went on a little walk at Proud Lake State Park. The weather was perfect for a walk and we had a good time. 

Monday evening Grams and I snuck out after dinner and got dessert at Nothing Bundt Cakes (my friend Stacy had recommended it to me). I got a strawberries and cream bundt cake and my mom got a lemon bundt cake. They were really really delicious and I am sure I will be back there in the near future. We ended up taking them home and eating them on the back porch. It was a real nice way to end the day.

Monday night Penny came down with a fever and was coughing tons. This girl just seems to keep getting sick. After the sad task of taking Grams to the airport Monday morning, Penny and I ended up staying in for the next few days to try and keep from getting others sick. The only big thing that happened is that I went in to Country Oaks to drop off paperwork to register Penny for Junior Kinder. I am having a hard time comprehending that all my kids will be in school in September. It came too fast.

Thursday Penny was still snuffly and coughing but she did seem a little bit better. I had two friends who needed me to watch their kids that day and I had planned to host book club that morning so I stuck with plans. We had a lot of people over that day and we are probably terrible and sent them all home with germs but it was a real nice day. Penny played so well with the kids I was watching that they basically entertained each other. Below is Jessie pulling the girls- after a failed attempt by Penny to pull Jessie and Eliza. He's just so strong ;)

As for book club Ashlee and I had 2 other friends join us so that was really nice- slightly better turn out then the last time. While those 2 friends only stayed a couple hours, Ashlee ended up staying until it was time for me to get my kids from the bus stop. Her husband has been working late nights so I could tell she needed the company and I really enjoy chatting with her so it was a good way to spend my afternoon. 

Friday was another low key day at home. After contaminating everyone the previous day, I decided against doing it again. I did some good rooting through things but we still just have so much stuff- the curse of having 4 kids.

Saturday I was looking forward to having a free day to do whatever so inspired me but someone needed some babysitting help in the morning so that changed things. I wish I was better at serving willingly and that I didn't feel so disgruntled by it sometimes. After babysitting we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese to reward them for being so good during conference (the boys even listened this time and were able to tell us things the speakers said). Unfortunately it wasn't the greatest time for me. Tyler was crabby on the way over and then the girls were extremely whiny and kept fighting over who got to go first and who got to pick the next ride. Not pleasant. But I still got some cute pictures of them. Steven and Ben seemed to have a really good time though and were raving about how awesome they did at the Jurassic Park Game and some Alien Game. They racked up over 600 tickets in the end and were able to buy 3 things of cotton candy. The girls only got 250 (they like the rides- which don't give tickets-best) and they ended up getting one thing of cotton candy to share. Of course they were cranky about that. We still have some of the gift card left so here's hoping next time the girls exhibit better behavior!

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