Saturday, May 4, 2019

Choir Concert, Talent Show

Sunday was not my favorite day this week. There have been a few things that have made me disgruntled about Primary lately (namely not having a partner) and while I was promised a resolution it did not happen. Instead of calling me a teaching partner, they called someone who already had a teaching partner one. It was frustrating. Then they were telling me that when I got a partner I could start going to singing time with my class even though I have specifically mentioned to them multiple times how much I appreciate the Sundays when I get to go to half a grown up class. Also I had a kid in my primary class going to another primary class and no one was communicating with me about this. All this made me feel very unheard and this has always been one of my biggest insecurities so I left church feeling disgruntled. I'm just trying to hold out hope that everything will work itself out.

Also on Sunday the girls decided that "no boys are allowed" (unless they are friends). The signs didn't last too long before I think  their brothers got a hold of them and made them disappear...

Monday night Steven had a Choir Performance. It was with 2 other elementary schools and they each performed 3 songs and then they all did 1 together. I had a minor heart attack when he pulled out his Choir Shirt and I discovered it was stained. I vaguely remember him spilling something on it last time he wore it so apparently I failed to "Shout" it out. I told him he'll just have to make sure he covered the stain while he was performing and that was a poor advice. He sang all the songs with his chin resting on his hand- you can kind of see what I mean in the picture below. Ugh. Besides looking silly he did appear to be singing the words for most of the songs so that's good.

Tuesday I skipped out on volunteering in Lucy's class in the morning and subbed for a second grade class instead. They were actually really well behaved and it made for an easy morning. The only hiccup was that the teacher had accidentally double booked a sub for the morning but since I was there first I got to stay. I am grateful because it take a lot of effort to get me there and it would've been annoying to have to just leave.

Tuesday night Lucy had her basketball skill class again. I am seeing small improvements in her basketball skills- she can dribble a little bit further before losing the ball and she actually hits the rim when she shoots. Baby steps! We now have our own basketball hoop at our house. Our friend had one that the previous owners had left but she didn't want it so we got it for free. We've had some fun games of PIG as a family and I am really grateful to have it.

Wednesday was spent catching up on life and early afternoon into the evening I babysat for a friend. I love my friend but she parents differently then me and her kid kind of makes me a little nuts. We clashed heads over the wearing of a jacket and some other things  but somehow I got through watching her. We also had another kid over who lives near the bus stop. He is in between Lucy and Ben age wise and has been asking FOREVER to come over. The stars finally aligned and we had him over. The boys wanted to just play Minecraft with him and it was a real struggle to get them to play outside with this neighbor- the weather was really great. I have a hard time with this because I want kids to want to come to our house but I also want these kids to all interact and do something other than stare at a screen. Being a mom is rough.

Thursday I babysat for 2 of my friends so we had 3 extra kids hanging around all day. Then on top of that I had 2 more friends and their kids come over to hang out. It actually all made for a great day. The extra kids got along really well with Penny so she played happily and I got in grown up conversation. Helped the day go by fast.

Also for a couple days this week Penny decided she wanted to look like Cinderella. Since we don't actually have the costume we made due with a blue dress and the hairdo. It was pretty cute.  

Friday was a LONG day. I subbed for a third grade class and it would have been a really great day if it wasn't for the afternoon. All the third grade classes got together to watch a movie but the kids couldn't watch it unless they finished their writing. Honestly, most of the kids who couldn't watch it were kids who really struggled with writing. It seemed unfair that they missed out because they have writing issues. It also was real overwhelming trying to help these struggling writers (some of them had no idea how to use punctuation!). After that long work day, we had the Ward Talent Show that night. We had to miss out on Ben's Soccer class because of it and it went super late (9:15!) but it was fun to watch Steven and Tyler perform.

Steven did a lip sync with some friends to "The Greatest Show" He is one easily distracted kid but overall he did pretty good. I enjoyed seeing him having fun with his friends.

Tyler played the Ukulele while his friend Roger 
sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and then him and some friends sang a capella "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles." For the singing one he got up and pretended that he didn't know he had been signed up to sing so he was just going to sing a lullabye he sings for his kids- the he proceeded to sing "Baby Shark" for a bit. Then he said it wasn't going well so he needed some friends to help him which led to him calling up the guys in his group. Also, during the song when he had to sing a high note he hiked up his pants. Everyone thought he was sooooooo funny.

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