Sunday, July 1, 2018

Library Fun, Beach Days, Haircuts

Tyler was away at Scout Camp this week which left me on my own for the week with the kids. I would love to say that the week was a piece of cake and went super smoothly...but it didn't. It had a really rough start but thankfully it did end pretty well.

Tyler headed up to the camp Sunday morning so he could check in the boys so I had to do church on my own. Usually the kids do pretty well during Sacrament but I guess since he was gone they decided it would be a good day to be awful. Fighting with each other, fighting over my lap, a lack of whispering when talking, going to get a drink when I distinctly said to wait until the musical number...It was straight up crummy and then I had to teach Primary class without Tyler and it is just not as fun without him. Things definitely didn't get better after church. Lots and lots of yelling from me *sigh* And then lots of guilt for yelling so much. Needless to say, I was glad when Sunday was over. 

Monday went pretty well. I cleaned the house in the morning, and then took the kids to the library. The library had a "Mo Willems Musical Jamboree" for the little ones so Lucy and Penny attended that while the boys got to have some time without me in the library. We made a drum out of a can (which I cut myself making), a maraca, a pigeon hat and a bag to put it all in. They also had the fun photo prop which was not so fun a first because both girls wanted to be piggie and it took a few shots before Lucy came to terms with being the elephant, ha ha.

After dinner Monday, we went to the park and had s'mores with friends. It was good to get out and socialize and the kids did really well. 

Tuesday was a definite, no good, very bad day. We started off by running an errand to Walmart because we were in desperate need of water and then Lucy needed to get a birthday gift for a friend. Well getting the water turned into a huge fiasco because one of the two 5 Gallon bottles (the one that lost it's top plug} decided to fall over and break a frame that I had just bought and spill all over the trunk and everything I had just bought. Also, to make things more fun, the other one had a leak at the bottom (Steven had dropped it in the parking lot when it was empty) so that puddled all over the floor at home. I tried to combine bottles at one point, ended up having water leak everywhere in the house too. I lost 5 Gallon's of water in this fiasco. It might be awhile before I get water again.

That afternoon the library had "touch a truck" and I thought this would be super fun. No. It was super warm and the girls were super inpatient about waiting in lines. Lucy had a fever that night so I'm pretty sure she just wasn't feeling well. Somehow we survived and the boys got to sit in a majority of the cars/trucks. Penny and Lucy only went in a few, they were nervous about these big vehicles. 

At the last minute, my friend Brooke (whose hubby was also at Scout Camp) invited us over to swim that night at her community pool. After such a rough day that was a perfect way to end the day. The kids had a lot of fun (minus some issues with Ben getting a cut on his foot) and I enjoyed the hot tub since the pool was way too chilly for me.

Wednesday morning was nice. We watched the Reese kids and they mesh really well with mine. They all spent most of the time playing board games together. I kind of considered that our event of the day so I didn't have anything else planned for the rest of the day and that was tough. Lucy had a birthday party at 5 but everyone else got really restless and bored after dinner and I swear those last few hours before bedtime lasted a lifetime. Especially since Penny didn't want to go to bed without Lucy and Lucy didn't get home until after bedtime.

Thursday morning Steven had an orthodontist appointment and of course it lasted longer than they usually do. Apparently his expander had gotten loose so they took it off and cleaned it. They told me is was super disgusting and so were his teeth. Steven informed me that he didn't think he was supposed to brush his expander. Oh dear. They told me that if he doesn't develop better teeth brushing habits by the time they take off his expander in 6 weeks than they'll have to wait on putting on the braces. I don't know how to get that kid to do better at brushing his teeth so it's a little frustrating.

Thursday afternoon I had to watch the May kids so I took them to our beach with us. I also had another friend and her kids meet me there. Steven kept complaining about being bored because there was no one his age but everyone else seemed to have a good time.

Thursday evening we went and saw one of my primary students in her music camp performance. An added bonus was seeing another kid that used to be in our ward. There was fun songs and a bit of dancing and my kids overall did very well (minus needing several drinks during it). I was happy I was able to get to support her!

Friday morning Lucy and I got haircuts! Lucy decided she didn't want Rapunzel hair anymore so she is back to having a bob. The bangs are a little extra short right now but I'm sure soon enough they'll be too long. I am not 100% in love with my hair because it's going to require a little more attention but it was nice to get all the split ends off. And apparently it's not too different so I have only had a couple people notice.

Friday afternoon we were babysitting the Bloomfield's boys so we decided to do another beach day. Once again, I had some other friends come meet me there so it was a good way to kill the afternoon. This time Steven wasn't whiny and everyone seemed to have a great time. We stayed there for a SUPER long time- so long that I was actually super ready to leave and we all got some pretty good sunburns.

After a long afternoon in the sun we got some pizza and rented the movie "A Wrinkle in Time." It was a nice chill evening but I was not impressed with the movie. They changed a lot and even though I really didn't like the book either, I didn't feel like the changes made the movie any better. Oh well.

Saturday morning was spent running errands to prepare for a "party" we're having with our primary class Monday morning and to prepare for our trip. Tyler came home around lunchtime, just in time because our air conditioning gave out. It was a 90 degree day with full humidity so that was not fun. We escaped from our hot home to go to a graduation party for our favorite babysitter, Alix. Ironically it was not an escape because the party was held outside in the awful heat. There was good food and good socializing though. 

We survived the night in our broken ac home thanks to a friend that lent us a window ac unit. All the kids slept in our room and they thought that was big fun. Today the air conditioning guy came and fixed up the broken motor control in the outdoor unit for a mere $500. I swear we will never be able to save up for fun things.

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