Saturday, July 21, 2018

Running Camp, Kayaking, Cookies, Harry Potter

This week we kept ourselves busy. The boys started their Running Camp at Milford High School on Monday morning. I felt bad as I dropped them off because it was very hot and humid. I had told the girls we would go to the park while the boys were at their camp but I quickly changed my mind. We ended up going home so I could clean instead- yay. Afterwards I rewarded the boys for running in the heat with a swim at the Milford High pool/waterpark. I think that made everything all better because it was really hard to get them to leave the pool- really hard. Added bonus was that a friend from Lucy's class was there. She had so much fun hanging out with her! And second added bonus was that Ben finally got brave enough to ride the water slide- and he loved it, so much!

Tuesday we had a beach day with the Budds family in the afternoon. The kids all get along really well so I just got to sit and chat with Valerie and that was really nice. Then I topped off a good afternoon with a kayaking outing with my friend Stefanie. The weather was absolutely perfect and it was a really good time. However, I did almost tip my kayak over twice. I tried to paddle a little too hard (maybe all this working out has made me too strong- ha ha!) But Stefanie and I are such good friends that I don't have to worry about appearances anyhow- she already knows I am a clumsy goober. We topped off the nice outing with a trip to DQ- a perfect evening!

Wednesday morning the weather was much better so after we dropped the boys off at their Running Camp I headed to Milford Central Park with the girls. Unfortunately it was closed for repairs! The girls were bummed but sugar fixes everything so we went to the Milford Bakery. It was fun to be back in Milford- I sure miss that cute town! The girls picked out amazingly cute, delicious and expensive cookies (and we also got 2 for the boys).  

After hogging down their cookies, they made wishes in the fountain. The girls wished for a unicorn and Lucy lamented to me that she wished wishes were real.

Since we still had time before we needed to pick up the boys and I didn't want to have to drive all the way home, we decided to walk over to the "waterfall".

After we walked back to the car we still had time to spare so we hit the Milford Library. While I saw a family that I subbed for and was reminded of the awkwardness hanging out in Milford can be. Some kids I sub for can be really sweet about seeing me and others try to hide and pretend they don't know me. This was the hiding variety, ha ha!

Late afternoon Wednesday we met Laci and her kids at the beach. I actually got into the water and swam out near the platform and stayed there for awhile. I'm getting braver- maybe soon I'll actually jump from the platform. My kids are braver than me though, Ben and Lucy (with the aide of Laci) finally got brave and had a blast jumping from the platform. It was a really good time and Penny and Janie had some pretty cute bonding time on the swing.

Thursday afternoon we went to see Rainforest Animals at the library. It kind of gave me some anxiety. There were a lot of people, a lot of kids who were not great listeners and some animals that gave me the heebie jeebies. Also the presenter seemed to have some sort of issue that made him very jerky so when he would walk around you thought he was going to bump you in the back of the head with the critters. This alligator below is one example of critters that gave me heebie jeebies. It also peed on the ground right my kids. They weren't super thrilled about that, ha ha.

This cavy below was a new acquisition to this company and you could tell it was terrified of all the people, poor guy.

The snake below is another case of things that freak me out. I refused to get close to the boa constrictor but 3 out of my 4 kids touched it.

Friday was another day of running camp and swimming afterwards and that was about our extent of that day. Tyler on the other hand was having major back problems- back spasms and troubles being able to move. He ended up going to the Chiropractor and thankfully they were able to find the source of discomfort and offer some ways to help with the pain. He seems to be doing better today, thankfully. He actually was able to sleep in our bed last night. 

Today we were total nerds and Target was having a Harry Potter "event" so we dressed up a bit and went. It was actually pretty lame- just a photo prop, and some freebies BUT it served it's purpose, it got me in their doors and buying things. I ended up finding some amazing deals on clothes for the kids so go me! 

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