When we finished up at the Air and Space Museum there were still a million other things I wanted to see but the kids were exhausted so we settled with walking down to the Washington Monument. There was a point when I thought maybe we were close enough but the kids persevered onward and we made it to the foot of it. Unfortunately we couldn't go inside it because it's closed for repairs. We had a lot of fun taking pics of us trying to "hold up" the monument though. We are dorks.
On our way back to the car we decided we could take a slight detour to see the White House but first we needed food. We stopped at a vendor and got some pizza and Gatorade for the kids. It was fun to see all the roadside vendors in downtown that supply food, all kinds of crazy USA shirts and even Trump bobble heads and snow globes.
Walking to the white house we didn't realize that it is literally enclosed by buildings so we had to walk a little further than expected. Thankfully the kids were up to the challenge and felt it was worth it. Saylie was really hopeful that she might see Trump- she said she wanted to go shake his hand, ha ha! No joy of course. With the crowds and fences this was as good as it got for us but what a pretty home.

As we were walking away I noticed a distracted security guard and asked Tyler what was stopping us from jumping the gate- of course a bicycle cop happened to ride by at that moment. Thankfully I didn't look too suspicious so he kept on riding, ha ha. We stopped at one more gift shop and then walked back to our car- completely exhausted. It was such an amazing and exhausting day in DC.
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