Monday, July 9, 2018

Day 3: Washington DC: Smithsonian's

On Thursday, July 5 we headed out to DC in the morning. Jenny C was amazing and offered to watch both our girls. I was glad she did because we were able to see so much more than if we would have brought them with us- they probably wouldn't have lasted past the first museum. We also brought with us Jenny C's oldest, Saylie. Our first stop was the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. This was a huge museum and the kids had fun for the most part. Sometimes they would grumble that they were tired and done but then they would go into the next exhibit and never want to leave. I personally feel that this museum wasn't really any different that other museums that I have been too- just bigger- so I thought it was a bit overrated. Still I am glad we went so at least I can now say I've been there.

Our biggest problem while we were there was that we hadn't brought anything for lunch and all they had food wise were really expensive and gross looking sandwich wraps. We ended up spending $20 on snacks to tide us over, so dumb.

You'll find Ben in most of these pictures because he is my biggest poser. He especially loves to look frightened ;). He was also really excited to see the Leatherback Sea Turtle because he had done a report on them in school. 

In the insect wing of the museum they had some fun bugs that the kids could hold. I am not sure the name of this grasshopper looking one but he also got to hold a huge caterpillar and a hissing cockroach . They grossed me out, more than scared me so I was content to let the boys do the holding.

Around 2pm we still had the mineral and gems wing to hit and I realized we better get a move on if we wanted to get food and still have time for the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. So we rushed through that wing and then headed out for lunch. The kids were hungry, exhausted and hot and it was a very rough walk to the closest, cheapest food- Subway. We saw a pizza joint on our way to Subway and almost stopped there, until we found out it had no ac and only outside seating. Subway was a good choice. The kids got their tummies filled and had a good break to sit and rest and cool off.

We felt much more ready for the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum after our late lunch. The walk there wasn't too bad and as soon we walked in the views were amazing. Planes and space ships everywhere. We thought it closed at 5:30 and I was feeling disappointed that we hadn't hit this museum first so we could spend more time at it. Thinking it was closing in a couple hours, we started off rushing a bit through things and then slowed down when we found out it actually didn't close until 7:30. I was amazed by all the things. Everything seems larger than life and almost unreal. 

I can't remember what everything is but I do remember that Ben was attempting to touch the moon (top right) and that is a space station behind me (bottom right). It is big but at the same time I can't imagine being cooped up in that place for ages.

Tyler geeking out over radios!

Glen's Space Suit! And dad trying not to get sucked into the engines.

The whole time at the museum the kids kept asking to go to the gift shop- they seemed more excited about buying a souvenir than seeing all the things *eye roll*. But that's ok because I enjoyed seeing all the things and eventually we did make it the gift shop and snap this futuristic pic.

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