Saturday, June 23, 2018

First Week of Summer

Last Saturday I had a last minute idea to go to the Lego Store and have the kids make their dad minifigures for Father's Day. Lucy was a bit whiny about the drive but once she got there she didn't want to leave. It's such a fun store! And it was fun to see them make a minifigure that they thought their dad would want. Steven made a very Indian Jonesish guy that felt very Tyler. Lucy made some sort of snow boarding Leprechaun. Ben made a midget, knight, robot- not sure what he was aiming at with that one. And after making 4 girls with dresses, Penny finally made Tyler a Hagrid looking figure.

Sunday morning Tyler was greeted with cinnamon rolls and all his gifts. He got the minifigures, reusable chopsticks, "you're killing me smalls" shirt, Lucy's footprint and a card from us all.

He seemed to have a good laid back Father's Day. I had bought a steak for him for dinner but ate a late lunch of Chili's leftovers and never ended up wanting it. Maybe Chili's is all he needs these days?

Monday morning we went to the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum. As part of Max's birthday present we had promised to take him there so that was the day we fulfilled our promise. Since I had a BOGO coupon for the museum we brought Ben's friend Andrea along too. I was alone with 6 children and somehow we all survived and I came back with all 6. I think maybe because it was the first time in forever that the museum wasn't ridiculously crowded.

Everyone had a good time except maybe Max. He got bored of each floor easily and kept wanting to leave when the rest of the kids were still having fun. Kind of made me a bit crazy because we had lots of time to stay there and there was no reason to rush. Max also asked me to buy a $25 thing from the gift shop. I sincerely hope none of my kids ever asks someone else's mom to buy stuff for them. He really seemed shocked when I said "no." I ended up caving and spending 51 cents for them all to get one of those silly stamped pennies, so silly.

Monday night it was nice and warm so we went to our neighborhood beach with the Brandleys. It was such a nice evening, the water was actually warm enough for me to get in and the kids had fun jumping off the platform with their dad.

Tuesday was a pretty low key day. I just watched a friends kids for a few hours around lunchtime and that helped to break up the day. The kids had a lot of fun hiding and chasing each other around the house. Then that night I went to the temple with my friend Corinne. I am proud of myself for sticking to my goal to go every month and I also appreciate the time that I get to spend there and the peace that I feel while I am there.

Wednesday we had planned for a beach day but of course the weather didn't cooperate. We ended up going with some friends to the library for story time instead. The boys were a little old for it but they were good sports. Afterwards the kids all played some board games and matching games that the library had. It was a good way to kill some time. I swear these summer days seem EXTRA long. Especially because the kids keep waking up when Tyler and I get up to exercise. I wish they would just sleep through it!

Thursday the weather warmed up so I decided to invite several people to do a last minute beach day with us, only to find out (after walking there)that the water at our beach was being treated so we couldn't swim in it. One of the people that we had invited has a community pool and she let us all come there instead. It was such a perfect way to pass the afternoon. All the kids got along super well and the girls are finally doing good with "swimming" by themselves in their puddle jumpers. This is good because the water is much too cold for my taste. Anyways, I need more days like this!

Friday I took the kids to see "The Incredibles 2". They all did really good during the show but that could be because I brought lots of candy for them to pig out on. I enjoyed the movie myself but some of it felt a little grown up for the kids (adults drinking wine to celebrate, a couple curse words, the villain's motive) and the villain's mask was a little too creepy for the kids. Really I think Jack-Jack made the movie for the kids (and me), he was the best part!

And that is really the highlights of our week. Today the girls had a birthday party and tonight Tyler and I have a birthday party that we are going to so we're keeping ourselves busy and out of trouble ;)

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