Sunday, July 29, 2018

Carrots, Escape Room, Revelation, Race Day

Last weekend we picked about 1/3 of our carrots- there are so many and they are nice and big! We also have some nice and tall green onions and I was able to use some in a dip I made for a baby shower. I am proud that we were able to grow something and look forward to starting over again next year now that I have some confidence in the area.

On Monday the boys had their Running Camp and it was a beautiful day so I took the girls to Central Park (since it was open again!). The weather was beautiful so we had fun killing time their until it was time to pick up the boys.

Monday night I had signed the boys up for a Harry Potter Escape Room at the library. The other people in their group ended up not showing up so it was just me and the boys who got to figure out how to "escape the room." I am not super smart when it comes to solving puzzles and the boys aren't super good at that either so it was a bit of a challenge for us at times. The first time I got stuck was when we opened up a lock box that had a notebook and a black light in it. I of course assumed that the light was to see something in the notebook and was getting frustrated when we couldn't see any "invisible" words. We ended up asking for help on that one and Ben was the awesome one who answered the Harry Potter question correctly so we could get our clue. It turned out what was in the notebook (it was all about Ron) was the clue on where to use the black light. It felt so obvious after she told us! Seriously not my forte but we did "escape the room" and I think the boys had a good time. 

Tuesday I had a dentist appointment and got to bring all the kids with me. Thankfully they all behaved myself and after the torturous cleaning I was diagnosed with only having one cavity- yay. I hate how I always bleed like crazy when I get my teeth cleaned and they inform me that I need to floss. I do floss! I even purposely floss roughly in hopes that I will toughen up my gums but to no avail. I wonder when the day will come that I will have an entire mouth full of fillings and crowns.

Tuesday night I went to the temple and had a special experience. I have not really wanted any more kids since having Penny but I have been feeling like I need to take it to Heavenly Father before making any final decisions. I have procrastinated this because I'm a bit afraid of his answer. During the Endowment Session I prayed for an answer to this question but in my prayer I basically told him my feelings of fear and that I'm not sure I could "do His will" if he wanted me to have another baby. I know, terrible attitude here. So after the session I went into the Celestial Room and found a Bible and a corner to sit in. I prayed again, asking that I could find some sort of answer in the scriptures. When I opened up the Bible, I opened to a page in Job and it was really all about how God is at the helm and knows us best. At least, that was the revelation that came to me as I read them. It was extremely humbling and made me aware that I really need to work on my faith and trust in God so that I will be ready for whatever the answer may be when I pray again. 

Wednesday I picked up groceries while the boys had Running Camp and then later in the afternoon we did a beach day with just us- a first in a long time. It did not go well at first. They all lost TV time and I was ready to go but I decided to do some bribery and said if they could all get along for the rest of the time I would give them their TV time back. It worked! They all started working together to build sand castles and then they all went out to the platform to jump and played nicely. It was miraculous and perfect and I even was able to get some reading done.  

Wednesday night I decided to pray for opportunities to serve. My friend Laci had lost her father Wednesday night and I was feeling helpless because she was kind of pushing away any help I offered. Not in a mean way but I think she just wanted some space. So this left me just feeling like I wanted to help someone if I couldn't help her so that's what led me to pray for these opportunities. Literally the next day I was given oodles of opportunities. I ended up babysitting for 2 families Thursday. One was a for a single father that has 3 kids and then I watched Caroline's 3 oldest while she took her youngest to an appointment. The babysitting times overlapped by 1 hour so I had one hour where there were 10 kids in my house. It was insane. Reality is I actually had 12 kids because a friend came over to help me survive the chaos. It really did help to have her there though. I am not sure I could have made it through the crazy without her there to calm me down.

That was just half of the serving opportunities I was given. I was also asked that day if I could take a friend to an airport and watch her cat and garden while she was away. And another friend asked if I can watch her youngest overnight in August while she takes her older kids to New York. It was definitely reassuring that God listens and answers our prayers.

Friday was the last day of Running Camp and after it was over we met some friends at Central Park in Milford. Unfortunately it started to rain shortly after we got there and as of late Lucy has been having some major panic attacks when it rains. She has this fear that rain brings lightening and she will get struck by lightening. It's awful because it rains ALL the time here in Michigan and I don't know how to calm her down. Even when there is no thunder or lightening, she swears she hears it. So we ended up rushing out of the Park and going to our friends house since they live in Milford. It turned out great because our kids all play really well together and it was a really nice afternoon afterall.

Saturday was the Race Day- what running camp had been training them for. I was worried about the boys finishing their mile but they ended up doing really well. Steven got third place and his time was 7:30 and Ben got fifth place and his time was 8:17. The girls had fun cheering them on with cow bells that were provided and signs that the boys had made. It was a good morning!

Afterwards I impulsively decided it was time to tackle the project of painting the dining room and kitchen so we stopped at Home Depot and bought some supplies. I have been wanting to do this since we had bought the house but was struggling with color choices and wanting to exert the effort. Well the colors gray and white finally felt right and I finally got the umph to start. The burned orange color is now covered in primer and our kitchen is already brighter. Now I just have to find the right shade of gray. Since I also want to paint the cabinets white I am pretty sure our kitchen will be in shambles for quite some time but I know it will all be worth it when it's done!

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