Saturday, August 4, 2018


This week was not super exciting. Monday was mostly spent painting the beadboard in the dining room and kitchen white because it was most definitely not a pure white color. It's amazing how off white everything looks when you put it next to a true white. 

Monday night me and Lucy went on a "date" of running errands. We got some more gray paint samples for the top half the wall, did some early back to school shopping (there were some deals at the stores) and then rewarded the kids with Icee's for behaving so well while I was painting. I was surprised how good everybody was at letting me work on this project.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the boys had Scout Day Camp. They both loved going fishing there and they both caught a fish (with a hot dog for bait). Now they are planning of doing the fishing tournament at Milford Memories. They also both loved archery and now want real bows and arrows for Christmas. Some of the crafts they did: they made slime, rain sticks, ice cream, carved Easter Island statues, made Mexican Wrestling masks (the theme was Adventure Passport). They also enjoyed shooting BB Guns. It was a good time for the boys doing all sorts of fun boy things and they are both excited to go again next year.

Meanwhile life trudged on while they were at camp. On Tuesday I didn't do any more painting work since I was babysitting for a friend. Her poor youngest has had so many surgeries and was in the hospital yet again, this time to get ear tubes in and her tonsils out.

Also that day tragedy hit another friend of mine and she had to go to the hospital that night because of a miscarriage. This is so sad because she had a previous miscarriage, had troubles getting pregnant again and now was finally pregnant and further along at 17 weeks when she lost it. I ended up going to her house that night to watch her daughter while she and her husband went to the hospital. Her mom was flying in town but wasn't going to get there in time. I came at 9:30pm and her 3 year old was still not asleep. It took me an hour filled with stories, and a little bit of friendly threatening to finally get her to sleep. I don't know if she normally is this hard to get to sleep or if it was the circumstances of the day but boy am I grateful for how well my kids go to sleep.

Wednesday I finally settled on a color for the top half of the rooms and got to work painting them. I chose Behr's "silent white." It has a very slight gray to it and I am still not 100% sure I love it but it does brighten up the room. I also ended up painting the top trim and ceiling white that night. It was an exhausting day (and I had-still have- a cold) so I am pretty sure I almost died by the end of the night. Ceilings are absolutely the worst to paint. Here is a picture of the end result. We are also keeping the blinds off and put up a nice sheer curtain instead.

Now that the walls are painted my next step is to paint the cabinets/cupboards white. I ordered the cabinet kit and am nervous about this daunting project but excited for the results. I also want to redo the tile backsplash at some point. And double also, now the dining room colors really clash with the warm yellow living rooms so yet another project to be done in the future. It seems that with this house, one project spirals into a million others

Thursday I was beat- my cold and the painting had taken it out of me. After dropping the boys off at day camp, the girls and I met a couple friends at the park. It was a nice, calm morning. Then I babysat for someone that afternoon. I was horrible babysitter and basically sat their kids in front of the TV while Penny and I took a much needed nap. 

This also happened Thursday, Penny really enjoys being the "baby" of our family:

Friday was another day of recovering. Besides picking up groceries not much happened. I spent a lot of the day of the couch and it was just what I needed. I felt significantly better by the time Saturday came around so I was up for the task of painting the pantry door, the door to the basement and the door to the bathroom which are all in a kitchen. What a differnce that made! Then that afternoon the kids and I met the Brandley's at Spring Mill Pond. Our families get along well and it made for such a calm evening. When everyone gets along, beach days are my favorite. 

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