Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Boys are Back

Last weekend Miss Penny went to her first ever birthday party. It was a garden/flower theme and it was totally Pinterest worthy. I love these cute pictures of these flower girls!

On Tuesday the boys flew back to Michigan from Arizona. Ben ran up to me when he saw me and gave me the biggest, bestest hug ever. It was so good to see both boys but it has also been so hard to readjust to having 4 kids again. After going from 2 for a couple weeks back to 4 I feel like maybe we were a little bit crazy having so many kids. Life was so much easier with 2! 

The next 2 days Steven was able to attend Scout Day Camp, it had a bug theme. He loved everything- fishing, BB guns, science lessons and activities, crafts- and archery was his favorite. His first day there he left his lunch in the car but thankfully I noticed before I left. Oh that child!

Sadly for Grams, we didn't do too many exciting things the first couple days she was here. The kids kept wanting to stay home and play with their toys- I guess the boys had really missed their stuff. I also think they missed playing with their sisters. We mostly spent Wednesday and Thursday at home.

On Friday we took a couple walks- we walked in Kensington and then we walked in downtown Milford. While we were walking in Milford my kids found some painted rocks and decided to join the Milford Michigan Rocks craze that is happening in our town. It involves finding painted rocks, painting rocks of you own and then re-hiding them all. Whoever started this is a genius, it's a great way to entertain kids on long summer days!

Friday night we got ice cream from DQ. Even though Poppy is not here I feel like we need to respect his daily ice cream tradition. 

 Saturday we went to Greenfield Village. We got there when it opened which meant parking was great and the village wasn't too crowded, it was nice. The kids got to try and blow out a tin lantern, print some paper at the printing press, watch salt pottery dishes being made and watch a glass deer being made. The artisan shops are always their favorite part of the village.

After all the artsy stuff they played in the play area. Poor Lucy has been suffering from middle child blues lately because the boys keep playing with Penny and leaving her out. They were both being super helpful to Penny which was sweet but it made me sad for Miss Lucy. She's not my social bug that she usually is, I hope school will get her back into being social.

Also please note Penny's flip flops. She kept wearing Lucy's which were way too big for her so when me and Grams went to Kohl's this week, Grams bought Penny her very own pair of Paw Patrol flip flops. When I showed them to Penny she was ecstatic and screamed "Woof woof fwip fops!" It was adorable!

After playing we were all starving so we left Greenfield Village. For lunch we had Steak and Shake because Grams had some gift cards she wanted to use. The kids all got their dessert first, milk shakes, so they had a fantastic time there.

And I'll end with a funny story: Lucy was singing "I'm a little teapot" and was struggling with saying "stout." She kept saying "shout." So I was trying to help her but she got frustrated and told me "It's my song, I can sing whatever words that I want."

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