Saturday, July 8, 2017

Day 2- Munising

Our second day of the trip we drove to Munising to see Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. We stopped first at the Visitor's Center to get ideas of where we should go with 4 little ones. It was a good idea because they gave us a list of day hikes and maps. I just wish we had actually mapped out a course instead of just randomly going places because we ended up driving more than we needed too. Our first stop was at Munising Falls. It was a super short hike which was perfect for our kids. The waterfall was beautiful but the sun was shining in a way that made it hard to see and to document.

After that we went to Sand Pointe Marsh. We were told that there were turtles everywhere and beavers and frogs and all sorts of fun creatures. Well, all we saw was a snake that didn't even stick around long enough for me to get its picture. It ended up feeling like one of the nature trails by our home so it was super disappointing but at least it wasn't crowded so it ended up being a nice place to stop and eat our lunch.

After Sand Pointe Marsh we went to Wagner Falls. It was another super short hike/walk that was perfect for the kids and it was also a super pretty waterfall BUT these people there were really annoying and ruined my ability to document. On the left, is the first picture I took of the waterfall. Note the man climbing off trail to the right of Ben. This man climbed all around the waterfall (but basically everywhere he was, was right smack dab in the middle of any picture you wanted to take). In the picture with just Ben you can see this man's photographer. It was SO annoying. Ben was sad in the first picture because he wanted it to be a picture of just him and the waterfall (and he was worried Steven was blocking him). So I promised to get him a picture with just him and the waterfall but these dang people were in all my pictures. They were there FOREVER so we finally just gave up and left. It was frustrating.

After Wagner Falls Penny was getting extra cranky and I could tell she needed to sleep so I figured it was a good time to drive to the Miner's Castle Overlook which was on the opposite end of the park. It worked like a charm, she fell asleep on the drive there. My mom was super nice and stayed in the car with her while we walked to the overlook. It was bit of a longer walk then the other 2 and it got Lucy whining pretty good but it was totally worth the views. The pictures don't do the colors justice. I hope to someday go back and do a kayaking tour of it.

After we saw the pretty views me and Poppy stayed with Penny and Lucy while Grams went with the boys to see the overlook. I was proud of the boys for doing it twice so Grams didn't have to be alone. They are both becoming good hikers.

That was our last destination in Musining. We headed to Marquette after that. I was pretty HAngry when we arrived in Marquette and Google Maps was not being helpful in getting us to our motel (actually, I got lost in a round about and then Google Maps got bumped and decided to take us to Wendy's instead)so when I saw a Big Boy's I decided we needed to stop for dinner. It was a good choice, I was much nicer after I got some food in me and we had no problems finding our motel, it just involved a dumb Michigan left to get there. The motel room was older and stunk (my dad said they had just painted) but it was roomy and even had a couch bed which was perfect. I was able to split up the girls without having to have one on my bed and the bathroom was big enough that I could hide in it while the girls feel asleep.It was a much nicer night than the previous one. 

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