Saturday, July 22, 2017

Girl's Week

Penny is officially potty trained! She hasn't had a single accident this week, seriously don't know how I got so lucky, she was so easy to train! With potty training out of the way, we were able to get out and have fun this week. At first the forecast was calling for rain pretty much everyday but Monday and Tuesday so on Tuesday I decided we need to get out. We spent the morning in Kensington taking a walk on the nature trails. It was perfect weather for a walk and we had fun, we even saw some turkeys and a woodpecker. 

Penny and Lucy love collecting rocks and since Penny didn't have any front pockets, she put all her rocks in her back pockets. She sat down with them multiple times and even rode the whole way home with them in her back pockets. I can't imagine that was comfortable but she didn't complain. Silly girl!

After lunch it was warming up so we went to Mercer Beach. I don't love that beach because the water is pretty murky but the girls had fun chasing ducks and splashing around. They could have stayed all afternoon but we ended up only staying a couple of hours because I always get so nervous about us being out in the sun for too long in the afternoon. Me and Lucy burn SO easy!

The forecast ended up being wrong and we ended up with no rain for the rest of the week so we went to two other beaches that week. The girls just have so much fun and the weather has been so warm and perfect for it. On Wednesday we went to Spring Mill Pond in Brighton which I love the best, the water is so clean and clear. We saw lots of fish and kept trying to catch them but to no avail. We were just not patient enough. I did pretty good at keeping our skin protected that day and we all made it home with no sunburns, this is a big accomplishment for me! 

Friday we met a friend at the beach in Kensington. This beach is better than Mercer Beach but still not as clean as Spring Mill Pond. This was a much more fun experience for me though, I love being able to chat with friends while my kids play. I wish I had more friends that liked to go places. This time I did not sunscreen us well and poor Lucy ended up with a sunburn that lined under her eyes and I burned my back. Fail. But the girls really did have a good time and we lasted a whooping three hours there.

Also this week we made an offer on another house and once again did not get it. This one had really seemed like one we could get but someone came in offering cash the same day as us. I am sad and relieved at the same time. It would have been a smaller space and it needed a lot of work but it was really charming, it had a great backyard, it would have kept us in the Ward and it would have put us in the school boundaries for where Lucy will be attending Jr Kindergarten. Oh well. I keep trying to remember that God knows best and it will all work out when it should.

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