Saturday, July 8, 2017

Day 3- Marquette

We started out our third day by taking Poppy to his High School, Gwinn. We walked around the grounds and the kids ended up wanting to take a tour of the football field too. They had fun running the bleachers.

Our second stop was at his house that he lived at while he attended Gwinn. The house was near the KI Sawyer Air force base. His house had definitely seen better days.

After Steven took that lovely picture of Poppy and his old house, we took a walk in the nearby woods. Poppy said he spent lots of time exploring them when he lived there. Of course, they didn't have a dirt path going through them then.

After the walk down memory lane we had a lunch break back at the motel and then we decided to go check out the Marquette Harbor Light House (because remember, I LOVE lighthouses!). Unfortunately we were not able to go see it because it was closed for the day (and the path leading to it was blocked off as well). We ended up letting the kids play at a nearby beach but while were at the beach, I snapped a pic of it from far away.

The kids had so much fun at the beach. Honestly, I think it was probably their favorite part of the whole trip. Penny had her stick sword and there was all sorts of imaginative play going on, it didn't seem to matter that we didn't have any shovels or buckets. It didn't even seem to matter that the water was icy cold!

After going back to our motel and washing the sand off of everyone we regrouped and decided to go to Sugar Loaf Mountain. I head read that it was a beautiful view at the top and the reviews said it was an easy, short hike. Maybe it is easy if you are not super out of shape like me and you don't have to carry a little one most of the way but honestly, it was a rough hike. There were so so many stairs going up the mountain and Penny would hardly walk any of them (especially because she was still groggy from the car nap she had taken). By the time we got to the top I was pooped but the views were really amazing and I am proud of myself for making it to the top.

The boys, however, kept giving us all heart attacks by getting so close to edges and cliffs and climbing where they really shouldn't have. It wore on my nerves (and my moms) but I kept telling myself that if kids were dying at this place it wouldn't be open or their would be park rangers there are something. I don't know, for some reason that weird rationalizing helped me a bit.

The hike down was, for obvious reasons, a lot easier. Lucy, however, wanted to take frequent stops so she could photograph things. I made her stop so I could photograph her and some of the many steps we walked. She took the picture of Penny on the right. Penny had stolen my hat and was putting rocks in it. Apparently my hat was perfect for stowing rocks.

After that tiresome hike (that my mom did not enjoy) we were all DONE for the day. We ate dinner at DQ and then rewarded ourselves with ice cream- me and my dad shared a banana split which is something we used to always do. Then we went and grabbed a few things from Target for the journey home. While at Target I discovered these awesome felt books and a felt princess/dragon/castle set. They were super cheap and my kids have loved them- a very worthy investment. Then it was back to the hotel and off to bed.

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